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ICLL Periodicals List/Liste des périodiques
indexés dans l'IDJC
A.C.D.I. Annuaire canadien de droit international = Canadian Yearbook of International Law. UBC Press, University of British Columbia, 6344 Memorial Rd., Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z2. Annuel. 1985, vol. 23 - .
A.C.D.P. Annuaire canadien des droits de la personne = Canadian Human Rights Yearbook (Centre de recherche et d'enseignement sur les droits de la personne, Université d'Ottawa). University of Ottawa Press, 603 Cumberland Street, Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6N5. Annuel. 1986, Vol. 3 - 1991-1992.
A.R. Alberta Reports. Maritime Law Book, Box 302, Fredericton, N.B. E3B 4Y9. Approximately 36 issues yearly. 1998, vol. 216 - . Selective.
Act. Justice Actualités Justice = Justice Report. Canadian Criminal Justice Association, 304-383 Parkdale Ave., Ottawa, Ont. K1Y 4R4. 5 fois l'an. 1992, vol. 8, no 1 - .
Acta criminologica voir Criminologie.
Adm. pub. Can. Administration publique du Canada = Canadian Public Administration. Revue de l'Institut d'administration publique du Canada, 150 est, av. Eglinton Ave. East, Suite 305, Toronto, Ont. M4P 1E8. Trimestriel. 1991, vol. 34 - .
Admin. Agen. P. -- Administrative Agency Practice. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Road, Scarborough, Ont. M1T 3V4. 6 times yearly. Mar. 1995, vol. 1 - Aug. 1998, vol. 3.
Admin. L.J. Administrative Law Journal. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Quarterly. Ceased publication: Vol. 6 (1990). 1985, vol. 1 - 1990, vol. 6.
Admin. L.R., Admin. L.R. (2d), (3d), (4th), (5th) Administrative Law Reports. First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. 1984, vol. 6 - . Selective.
ADR Forum ADR Forum: The Canadian Journal of Dispute Resolution. CCH Canadian Limited, 90 Sheppard Ave. East, Suite 300, North York, Ont. M2N 3A1. 6 times yearly. Mar. 1995, vol. 4 - .
Advocate (Tor.) The Advocate (Toronto). 1987, vol. 21.
Advocate (Van.) The Advocate. Vancouver Bar Association, 4765 Pilot House Rd., West Vancouver, B.C. V7J 1J2. 6 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 42 - .
Advocates' Q. The Advocates' Quarterly. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Quarterly. 1984, vol. 5 - .
Advocates' Soc. J. The Advocates' Society Journal. The Advocates' Society, Campbell House, 160 Queen St. W., Toronto, Ont. M5H 3H3. 4 issues yearly. 1985, vol. 4, no. 1 - .
Alert Canadian Financial Services Alert. Nov. 1991, vol. 4 - July 1994, vol. 6
Alta. L. Rev. Alberta Law Review. Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta. T6G 2H5. 3 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 22 - .
Alta. L.R. (2d) Alberta Law Reports, Second Series. Thomson Reuters, Suite 1200, 311 - 6th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta. T2P 3H2. 26 issues yearly. 1985, vol. 38 - . Selective.
Analyse de politiques Analyse de politiques = Canadian Public Policy. Bureau de périodique, School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont. K7L 3N6. Quarterly. Mars 2002, vol 28 - .
Anglo-American Law Review 1981, vol. 10.
Ann. Air & Space L. Annals of Air and Space Law = Annales de droit aérien et spatial (Institute and Centre for Air and Space Law, McGill University). Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Twice yearly. 1984, vol. 9 - .
Ann. can. D. de la personne voir A.C.D.P.
Ann. can. D. int. voir A.C.D.I.
Ann. D. aérien & spatial Annales de droit aérien et spatial = Annals of Air and Space Law (Institut et Centre de droit aérien et spatial, Université McGill). Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 2 fois l'an. 1984, vol. 29 - .
Ann. Rev. Civil Lit. Annual Review of Civil Litigation. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Annual. 2002 - .
Ann. Rev. Crim. L. Annual Review of Criminal Law. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Annual. 2006 - .
Ann. Rev. Insol. L. Annual Review of Insolvency Law. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Annual. 2005 - .
Annals Air and Space voir Ann. Air & Space L.
Appeal Appeal: Review of Current Law and Law Reform. Appeal Publishing Society, University of Victoria, Faculty of Law, P.O. Box 2400, Victoria, B.C. V8W 3B1. Annual. 1995, vol. 1 - .
ARCHtype ARCHtype. 1983, vol. 3 - 1985, vol. 5.
Assn can. rel. ind. Association canadienne des relations industrielles. Congrès. Travaux = Canadian Industrial Relations Association. Annual Meeting. Proceedings. Annuel. 1986, vol. 23.
Assur. & gest. des risques Assurances et gestion des risques = Insurance and Risk Management, 3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, Qué. H3T 2A7. Trimestriel. Fait suite à: Assurances. Avr. 2003, vol. 71, no 1 - .
Asper Rev. Inter. Bus. & Trade L. Asper Review of International Business and Trade Law. Asper Chair, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba, Robson Hall, 224 Dysart Road, Winnipeg, Man. R3T 2N2. 2001, vol. 1 - .
Assurances Assurances: Revue trimestrielle consacrée à l'étude théorique et pratique de l'assurance au Canada. Oct. 1991, vol. 59 - Janv. 2003, vol. 70. Voir maintenant Assur. & gest. de risques.
Australian Intellectual Property Journal Nov. 1994, vol. 5, no. 4.
Top of the page/Haut de la page
B.C. Tax Conf. British Columbia Tax Conference. Canadian Tax Foundation, 595 Bay Street, Suite 1200, Toronto, Ont. M5G 2N5. Annual. 2001 - .
B.C.A.C. British Columbia Appeal Cases. Maritime Law Book, Box 302, Fredericton, N.B. E3B 4Y9. Approximately 40 issues yearly. Apr. 1994, vol. 38 - . Selective.
B.F.L.R. Banking & Finance Law Review. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 issues yearly. 1986/87, vol. 1 - .
B.L.R., B.L.R. (2d), (3d) Business Law Reports. First, Second and Third Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. 1984, vol. 26 - . Selective.
Banquier Le Banquier. Association des banquiers canadiens, 1002, rue Sherbrooke ouest, bureau 900, Montréal, Qué. H3A 3M5. 6 fois l'an. Publié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Canadian Banker. Publication interrompue. 1986, vol. 13, no. 4 - Mai 2002, en ligne.
Barreau Le journal Barreau / Barreau du Québec. Fait suite à: Le journal du Barreau, qui fait suite à: Barreau. 1984, vol. 16, no 12 - 1986, vol. 18, no 10.
Bibliothèques d. can. Bibliothèques de droit canadiennes = Canadian Law Libraries. Faite suite à: Bulletin ACBD. Avril 1990, vol. 15 - Hiver 2003, vol. 28. Voir maintenant Rev. can. Bibliothèques d.
Biotechnology Law Report Nov. 1992, vol. 11 - July 1993, vol. 12.
Buff. Env. L.J. Buffalo Environmental Law Journal. University of Buffalo, School of Law, 7 John Lord O'Brian Hall, North Campus, Buffalo, N.Y. 14260. 2 times yearly. Spring 1993 - .
Bull. ACBD 1988, vol. 13, no 1 - Dec. 1989, vol. 14, no 5. Voir maintenant Rev. can. Bibliothèques d.
Bull. avocats Le Bulletin des avocats = Solicitor's Journal. Association du Barreau canadien, Division du Nouveau-Brunswick, Suite 305, 1133 rue Regent, Fredericton (N.-B.) E3B 3Z2. Trimestriel. Printemps 1988 - .
Bull. Fond. can. dr. pers. Bulletin de la Fondation canadienne des droits de la personne = Canadian Human Rights Foundation Newsletter. Fondation canadienne des droits de la personne, 1425, boul. Réné-Lévesque Ouest, bureau 307, Montréal (Québec) Canada H3G 1T7. Annuel. 1999, vol. 14 - .
Bull. I.N.M. Institut national de la magistrature Bulletin = National Judicial Institute Bulletin. L'Institut national de la magistrature, pièce 202, 100, rue Metcalfe, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 5M1. Mars 1993, vol. 6 - Oct. 2000, vol. 13. Publication terminée.
Bus. & L. Business & the Law. 1983, vol. 2 - Nov. 1994, vol. 11, no. 7
Bus. & Law see Bus. & L.
Business Q. Business Quarterly. Spring 1991, no. 4 - Winter 1998, no. 2
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C.A. Mag. see/voir CA Mag.
CA Mag. CA Magazine (édition française). Institut canadien des comptables agréés, 150 rue Bloor ouest, Toronto, Ont. M5S 2Y2. Mensuel. 1984, vol. 117, no. 12 - .
CA Mag. CA Magazine (English Edition). Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, 150 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ont. M5S 2Y2. Monthly. 1984, vol. 117, no. 12 - .
C. de D. Les Cahiers de droit (Faculté de droit, Université Laval). Wilson & Lafleur ltée, C.P. 24, Place d'Armes, Montréal (Qué.) H2Y 3L2. Trimestriel. 1984, vol. 25 - .
C.B.L.J. see Can. Bus. L.J.
C.B.R. (N.S.), (3rd), (4th), (5th) Canadian Bankruptcy Reports. New, Third, Fourth and Fifth Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 12 times yearly. 1985, vol. 53 - . Selective.
C.C.E.L., C.C.E.L. (2d), (3d) Canadian Cases on Employment Law. First, Second and Third Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. 1988, vol. 20 - . Selective.
C.C.L.I. (2d), (3d), (4th) Canadian Cases on the Law of Insurance. Second and Third Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. 1985, vol. 11 - . Selective.
C.C.L.S. Canadian Cases on the Law of Securities. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 12 issues yearly. Discontinued. Feb. 1994, vol. 2 - 1998. Selective.
C.C.L.T., C.C.L.T. (2d), (3d) Canadian Cases on the Law of Torts. First, Second and Third Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. 1984, vol. 29 - . Selective.
C.C.P.B. Canadian Cases on Pensions and Benefits. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. Jan. 1994 - . Selective.
C.E.L.R. (N.S.), (3d) Canadian Environmental Law Reports, New and Third Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. 1987, vol. 1 (N.S.) - . Selective.
C.F.L.Q. Canadian Family Law Quarterly = Cahier trimestriel de droit de la famille Canada. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Quarterly. 1986, vol. 1 - .
C.H.R.R. Canadian Human Rights Reporter. 1662 West 75th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. V6P 6G2. 1985, vol. 6 - . Selective.
C.H.R.Y.B. see Can. Hum. Rts. Y.B.
C.I.L.R. Canadian Insurance Law Review. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 1988, vol. 1 - Nov. 1996, vol. 6.
C.I.P. Rev. Canadian Intellectual Property Review = Revue canadienne de propriété intellectuelle. Patent and Trademark Institute of Canada, P.O. Box 1298, Station B, Ottawa Ont. K1P 5R3. Irregular. Apr. 1990, vol. 6 - .
C.I.P.R. Canadian Intellectual Property Reports. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. July 1998 - . Selective.
C.J.A.L.P. Canadian Journal of Administrative Law & Practice = Revue canadienne de droit administratif et de pratique. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 issues yearly. 1987/88, vol. 1 - .
C.L.R., C.L.R. (2d), (3d), (4th) Construction Law Reports. First, Second, Third and Fourth Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. 1984, vol. 7 - .
C.N.L.R. Canadian Native Law Reporter. Native Law Centre, University of Saskatchewan, Diefenbaker Centre, Saskatoon, Sask. S7N 0W0. Quarterly. 1983, no 3 - 1998, no 2. Selective.
C.O.H.S.C Canadian Occupational Health and Safety Cases. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 6 issues yearly. Aug. 1993, vol. 9 - . Selective.
C.P. du N. Cours de perfectionnement du Notariat. Chambre des notaires du Québec, a/s Dominique Rodier, 630, boul. René-Lévesque Ouest, Bureau 1700, Montréal (Qué.) H3B 1T6. Irrégulier. 1985 - . Sélectif.
C.P.C. (2d), (3rd), (4th), (5th), (6th) Carswell's Practice Cases. Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 24 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 44 - . Selective.
C.P.R. (3d), (4th) Canadian Patent Reporter, Third and Fourth Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 24 issues yearly. 1985, vol. 4 - . Selective.
C.R. (3d), (4th), (5th), (6th), (7th) Criminal Reports, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 24 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 41 (3d) - . Selective.
C.R.R. (2d) Canadian Rights Reporter, Second Series. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. 1984, vol. 5 - . Selective.
C.T.D. famille Can. Cahier trimestriel de droit de la famille Canada = Canadian Family Law Quarterly, Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Trimestriel. 1986, vol. 1 - .
C.U.B.L.R. Canada-U.S. Business Law Review = Revue de droit commercial Canada-états-Unis. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 issues yearly. Continues: Review of International Business Law. July 1990, vol. 4 - Oct. 1992, vol. 5.
CA Mag. CA Magazine (English Edition). Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, 277 Wellington St. West, Toronto, Ont. M5V 3H2. Monthly. Oct. 1986, vol. 119, no. 10 - .
CA Mag. CA Magazine (édition française). Institut canadien des comptables agréés, 277, rue Wellington ouest, Toronto (Ont.) M5V 3H2. Mensuel. Janv./févr. 1989, vol. 122, no 1/2 - .
CALL Newsl. 1988, vol. 13, no. 1 - Dec. 1989, vol. 14, no. 5. See now Can. L. Libr. Rev.
CCDJ Bulletin d'information juridique du CCDJ = CLIC's Legal Materials Letter / Conseil canadien de la documentation juridique. 1986, vol. 9, no. 2 - July/Aug. 1988, vol. 11, no. 5.
CELA Newsletter The CELA Newsletter / Canadian Environmental Law Association. Continued by: Intervenor. 1984, vol. 9 - 1985, vol. 10.
CLIC CLIC's Legal Materials Letter voir CLIC Letter.
CLIC Letter CLIC's Legal Materials Letter = Bulletin d'information juridique du CCDJ / Canadian Law Information Council. 1986, vol. 9, no. 2 - July/Aug. 1988, vol. 11, no. 5.
Cahiers prop. intel. Les Cahiers de propriété intellectuelle. Éditions Yvon Blais, 430 rue St-Pierre, suite 200, Montréal (Qué.) H2Y 2M5. 3 fois l'an. 1988/89, vol. 1 - .
Can. Abridg. Bull. Canadian Abridgment Bulletin. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Quarterly. Sept. 1992, vol. 1, no. 1 - . Selective.
Can. Arbit. and Med. J. Canadian Arbitration and Mediation Journal = Journal d'arbitrage et de médiation canadien. Arbitration and Mediation Institute of Canada Inc., 160 Elgin Street, Suite 2600, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 1C3. Twice yearly. Summer 1997, vol. 6, no. 1 - .
Can. Banker. Canadian Banker. Canadian Bankers' Association, P.O. Box 348, Commerce Court West, 30th Floor, Toronto, Ont. M5L 1G2. 6 issues yearly. Issued also in French under the title: Le Banquier. Suspended indefinitely. 1986, vol. 92, no. 1 - May 2002, online.
Can. Bar Rev. The Canadian Bar Review = La Revue du Barreau canadien. Canadian Bar Foundation, 130 Albert St., Ottawa, Ont. K1P 5G4. Quarterly. 1984, vol. 62 - . Online:
Can. Bus. L.J. Canadian Business Law Journal = Revue canadienne du droit de commerce. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Quarterly. 1986, vol. 12 - .
Can. Class Act. Rev. \261 Canadian Class Action Review = Revue canadienne des recours collectifs. Irwin Law Inc., 347 Bay St., Suite 501, Toronto, Ont. M5H 2R7. Twice yearly. Jan. 2004, vol. 1 - .
Can. Community L.J. Canadian Community Law Journal = Revue canadienne de droit communautaire. 1984, vol. 7 - 1986, vol. 9. See now Windsor Rev. Legal & Social Issues.
Can. Comp. & Ben. Rep. Canadian Compensation & Benefits Reporter. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 10 times yearly. June 2007, vol. 11 - October 2010, vol. 14. Continues: Can. Comp. & Ben. Update.
Can. Comp. & Ben. Update Canadian Compensation & Benefits Update. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 10 times yearly. May 1997, vol. 1 - April 2007, vol. 11. Continued by Can. Comp. & Ben. Rep.
Can. Comp. L.R. see Can. Computer L.R.
Can. Comp. L. Rev. Canadian Competition Law Review = Revue canadienne du droit de la concurrence. Canadian Bar Association, 500 - 865 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ont. K1S 5S8. Twice yearly. Continues: Canadian Competition Record. Online:
Can. Compet. Policy Record 1984, vol. 5 - Dec. 1992, vol. 13, no. 4. See now Can. Compet. Rec.
Can. Compet. Rec. Canadian Competition Record. Suite 1200, 180 Elgin St., Ottawa, Ont. K2P 2K7. Quarterly. Name changed from: Canadian Competition Policy Record. Mar. 1993, vol. 14, no. 1 - .
Can. Computer L.R. Canadian Computer Law Reporter. Insight Press, 1599 Hurontario St., #202, Mississauga, Ont. L5G 4S1. Monthly. 1984, vol. 1 - May 1992, vol. 9.
Can. Corp. Counsel Canadian Corporate Counsel. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 8 times yearly. Sept. 1992, vol. 2 - .
Can. Council Int. L. Canadian Council on International Law. Conference. Proceedings = Conseil canadien de droit international. Congrès. Travaux. Canadian Council on International Law, 236 Metcalfe St., Ottawa, Ont. K2P 1R3. Annual. 1985, vol. 14 - .
Can. Crim. Forum Canadian Criminology Forum = Le forum canadien de criminologie. 1984, vol. 7 - 1989, vol. 10.
Can. Crim. L. Rev. Canadian Criminal Law Review = Revue canadienne de droit pénal. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 times yearly. 1996, vol. 1 - .
Can. Current Tax Canadian Current Tax. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Monthly. 1984, vol. 1, no. 10 - .
Can. Derivatives Str. Canadian Derivatives Strategies. Canadian Derivatives Strategies. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Scarborough, Ont. M1T 3V4. 6 issues yearly. 1996, vol. 1 - Oct. 1997, vol. 2.
Can. Employer Canadian Employer. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Scarborough, Ont. M1T 3V4. 12 issues yearly. Nov. 2010, vol. 23, no. 11 - .
Can. Fin. Risk. Man. Rev. Canadian Financial Risk Management Review. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Scarborough, Ont. M1T 3V4. 6 issues yearly. May 1998, vol. 1, no. 1 - Apr. 2000, vol. 2, no. 6.
Can. Forces JAG J. Canadian Forces JAG Journal = Revue du JAG des Forces canadiennes. 1985, vol. 1 - 1989, vol. 3.
Can. Franchise Rev. Canadian Franchise Review. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Quarterly. March 2004, vol. 1 - December 2004, vol. 1. No longer published.
Can. H.R. Found. Newsl. Canadian Human Rights Foundation Newsletter = Bulletin de la fondation canadienne des droits de la personne. Canadian Human Rights Foundation, 1425 Réné-Lévesque Blvd. West, #307, Montréal, Québec. H3G 1T7. Annual. 1999, vol. 14, no. 1 - 2000, vol. 15, no. 3. No longer published.
HIV/AIDS Pol. & L. Rev. HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Review. Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, 1240 Bay Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ont. M5R 2A7. Three issues per year. August 2003, vol. 8, no. 2 - . On indefinite hiatus.
Can. Hum. Rts. Y.B. Canadian Human Rights Yearbook = Annuaire canadien des droits de la personne. 1983, vol. 1 - 1991-92.
Can. Human Rights Y.B. see Can. Hum. Rts. Y.B.
Can. Human Rights Advocate 1985, vol. 1, no. 2 - 1986, vol. 2, no. 9.
Can. Ind. Rel. Assoc. Canadian Industrial Relations Association. Annual Meeting. Proceedings = Association canadienne des relations industrielles. Congrès. Travaux. 1986, vol. 23.
Can. Ins. Reg. Rep. Canadian Insurance Regulation Reporter. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Quarterly. March 2008, vol. 1 - .
Can. Ins. Top Broker Canadian Insurance Top Broker. Rogers Publishing Limited, One Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto, Ont. M4Y 2Y5. 11 issues yearly. April 2014, vol. 119, no. 4 - .
Can. Inter. Lawyer Canadian International Lawyer = Revue de droit international. c/o The Editor, Suite 200, 20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Annual. 1994, vol. 1, no. 1 - .
Can. J. Compar. & Contemp. L. Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law. Thompson Rivers University, Faculty of Law, 900 McGill Road, Kamloops, B.C. V2C 0C8. 2015, vol. 1 - .
Can. J. Crim. 1984, vol. 26 - Oct. 2002, vol. 44. see Can. J. Crimin. & Crim. Jus.
Can. J. Crimin. & Crim. Jus. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice = Revue canadienne de criminologie et justice pénale. Canadian Criminal Justice Association, 304-383 Parkdale Ave., Ottawa, Ont. K1Y 4R4. Quarterly. Formerly Canadian Journal of Criminology. Jan. 2003, vol. 45 - .
Can. J. Fam. L. Canadian Journal of Family Law = Revue canadienne de droit familial. Room 160, Faculty of Law, 1822 East Mall, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z1. 2 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 4 - .
Can. J. Hum. Rts. Canadian Journal of Human Rights. University of Manitoba, Robson Hall Faculty of Law, 104-224 Dysart Road, Winnipeg, Man. R3T 2N2. 2012, vol. 1, no. 1 - .
Can. J. Ins. L. Canadian Journal of Insurance Law. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. 6 issues yearly. 1985, vol. 3 - .
Can. J. Inter. Bus. L. & Pol'y Canadian Journal of International Business Law and Policy. EMAK International Legal Publications, 703 Lansdowne Ave., Toronto, Ont. M6H 3Y9. 3 times yearly. Discontinued. August 1996, vol. 1 - Dec. 1997, vol. 2.
Can. J. Pol. Sc. Canadian Journal of Political Science = Revue canadienne de science politique. Canadian Political Science Association, Suite 205, 1 Stewart St., Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6H7. Quarterly. June 1991, vol. 24 - . Online:
Can. J. Women & L. Canadian Journal of Women and the Law = La Revue femmes et droit. National Association of Women and the Law, P.O. Box 450, Station A, Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6N5. 2 issues yearly. 1985, vol. 1, no. 1 - .
Can. J.L. & Juris. The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence. Business Manager, Faculty of Law, University of Western Ontario, London, Ont. N6A 3K7. 2 issues yearly. 1988, vol. 1 - .
Can. J.L. & Society Canadian Journal of Law and Society = Revue canadienne de droit et société. University of Calgary Press, 2500 University Drive N.W., Calgary, Alta. T2N 1N4. 2 issues yearly. 1986, vol. 1 - .
Can. J.L. & Tech. Canadian Journal of Law and Technology = Revue canadienne de droit et technologie. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 2 issues yearly. Also available online. Apr. 2009, vol. 7, no. 1 - .
Can. J.L. & Tech. Canadian Journal of Law and Technology. CCH Canadian Limited, 90 Sheppard Ave. East, Suite 300, North York, Ont. M2N 3A1. 3 issues yearly. Also available online. Jan. 2002, vol. 1 - 2003, vol. 2. Now published by Thomson Reuters.
Can. J.L. & Tech. (Online) Canadian Journal of Law and Technology (Online). Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 2 issues yearly. Also available in print. Jan. 2002, vol. 1 - .
Can. L. Libr. Rev. Canadian Law Library Review = Revue canadienne des bibliothèques de droit. PO Box 1570, 4 Cataraqui Street, Suite 310, Kingston, Ont. K7L 5C8. 5 times yearly. Continues: Can. L. Libraries. Spring 2003, vol. 29, no. 1 - .
Can. L. Libraries Canadian Law Libraries = Bibliothèques de droit canadiennes. Continues: CALL Newsletter. Apr. 1990, vol. 15 - Winter 2003, vol. 28. See now Can. L. Libr. Rev.
Can. Lab. & Emp. L.J. Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal = Revue canadienne de droit et de l'emploi. Lancaster House, 20 Dundas St. W., Suite 1036, Toronto, Ont. M5G 2G8. 4 times yearly. Continues: Canadian Labour Law Journal. Dec. 1994, vol. 3 - .
Can. Lab. L.J. Canadian Labour Law Journal. Spring 1992, vol. 1 - Summer 1994, vol. 2. See now Can. Lab. & Emp. L.J.
Can. Law. see Can. Lawyer
Can. Lawyer Canadian Lawyer. Canadian Lawyer Magazine Ltd., 401 - 56 The Esplanade, Toronto, Ont. M5E 1A7. 9 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 8, no. 4 - .
Can. Lawyer 4Stud. Canadian Lawyer 4Students. Canadian Lawyer Magazine Ltd., 401 - 56 The Esplanade, Toronto, Ont. M5E 1A7. 2007, vol. 2, no. 1 - .
Can. Lawyer Associates Canadian Lawyer Associates. Canadian Lawyer Magazine Ltd., 401 - 56 The Esplanade, Toronto, Ont. M5E 1A7. 2008, vol. 1, no. 1 - .
Can. Lawyer InHouse Canadian Lawyer InHouse. Canadian Lawyer Magazine Ltd., 401 - 56 The Esplanade, Toronto, Ont. M5E 1A7. 2007, vol. 2, no. 2 - .
Can. Legal Educ. Ann. Rev. Canadian Legal Education Annual Review = Revue de l'enseignement du droit au Canada. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Annual. 2007- .
Can. Petro. Tax J. Canadian Petroleum Tax Journal. Canadian Petroleum Tax Society, P.O. Box 2562, Station M, Calgary, Alta. T2P 3K8. 1988, vol. 1 - .
Can. Privacy L. Rev. Canadian Privacy Law Review. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Monthly. Oct. 2003, vol. 1 - .
Can. Pub. Adm. Canadian Public Administration = Administration publique du Canada. Journal of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada, 150 Eglinton Ave. East, Suite 305, Toronto, Ont. M4P 1E8. Annual. Spring 1991, vol. 34 - .
Can. Pub. Policy Canadian Public Policy = Analyse de politiques. Journal Office, School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont. K7L 3N6. Quarterly. Mar. 2000, vol. 26 - .
Can. Tax Found. Canadian Tax Foundation. Tax Conference. Report of proceedings. Canadian Tax Foundation, Publications Dept., 1 Queen St. W., Suite 1800, Toronto, Ont. M5C 2Y2. Annual. 1986, vol. 38 - .
Can. Tax J. Canadian Tax Journal = Revue fiscale canadienne. Canadian Tax Foundation, Publications Dept., 1 Queen St. E., Suite 1800, Toronto, Ont. M5C 2Y2. 6 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 32 - . Online:
Can. Tax News Canadian Tax News. 1984, vol. 12 - 1986, vol. 14.
Can. Y.B. Int. L. Canadian Yearbook of International Law = Annuaire canadien de droit international. UBC Press, University of British Columbia, 6344 Memorial Rd., Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z2. Annual. 1985, vol. 23 - .
Can.-Am. L.J. Canadian-American Law Journal. 1984, vol. 3 - 1988, vol. 4.
Can.-U.S. L.J. Canada-U.S. Law Journal. School of Law, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. 44106. 1984, vol. 8 - .
Can.-U.S. Trade Canada-U.S. Trade. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Merged with Bus. & Law. Jan. 1991, vol. 4 - Sept. 1992.
CBA Aboriginal Writes (Online) Canadian Bar Association Aboriginal Writes (Online): CBA National Aboriginal Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at July 2005 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Altitudes (Online) Canadian Bar Association Altitudes (Online): CBA National Air & Space Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at January 2012 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Bulletin: International L. (Online) Canadian Bar Association Bulletin: International Law (Online): CBA National Section on International Law Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at December 2009 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Charity Talk (Online) Canadian Bar Association Charity Talk (Online): CBA National Charities and Not-for-Profit Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at October 2006 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Civil Writes (Online) Canadian Bar Association Civil Writes (Online): CBA National Civil Litigation Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at July 2009 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Constitutional and Human Rights L. (Online) Canadian Bar Association Constitutional and Human Rights Law (Online): CBA National Constitutional and Human Rights Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at February 2004 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Domestic Insolvency Review (Online) Canadian Bar Association Domestic Insolvency Review (Online): CBA National Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at Dec. 2006 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA EcoBulletin (Online) Canadian Bar Association EcoBulletin (Online). Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at October 2008 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Family Way (Online) Canadian Bar Association Family Way (Online): CBA Family Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at August 2009 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Focus (Online) Canadian Bar Association Focus (Online): CBA National Constitutional and Human Rights Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at July 2005 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA For Your Benefit (Online) Canadian Bar Association For Your Benefit (Online): CBA National Pensions and Benefits Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at December 2006 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Inside Immigration (Online) Canadian Bar Association Inside Immigration (Online): CBA National Citizenship and Immigration Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at March 2005 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA International L. (Online) Canadian Bar Association International Law (Online): CBA National International Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at December 2004 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Intra Vires (Online) Canadian Bar Association Intra Vires (Online): CBA National Administrative Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at November 2011 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Labour and Empl. L. Perspective (Online) Canadian Bar Association Labour and Employment Law Perspective (Online). Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at January 2010 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Liaison: Labour and Employment L. (Online) Canadian Bar Association Liaison: Labour and Employment Law (Online): CBA Liaison: National Labour and Employment Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at September 2004 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Mergers Committee (Online) Canadian Bar Association Mergers Committee Newsletter (Online). Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at September 2004 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Nat. Business L. (Online) Canadian Bar Association National Business Law (Online): CBA National Business Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at May 2005 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Nat. Commodity Tax, Customs and Trade (Online) Canadian Bar Association National Commodity Tax, Customs and Trade (Online): CBA National Commodity Tax, Customs and Trade Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at March 2011 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Nat. Env., Energy and Res. L. (Online) Canadian Bar Association National Environmental, Energy and Resources Law (Online): CBA National Environmental, Energy and Resources Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at January 2004 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Nat. Family L. Section Newsletter (Online) Canadian Bar Association National Family Law Section Newsletter (Online). Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at February 2004 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Possibilities (Online) Canadian Bar Association Possibilities (Online): CBA National Alternative Dispute Resolution Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at November 2007 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Privacy Pages (Online) Canadian Bar Association Privacy Pages (Online): CBA National Privacy and Access Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at August 2004 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Pulse: National Health L. (Online) Canadian Bar Association Pulse: National Health Law (Online): CBA Pulse: National Health Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at August 2009 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Real Estate (Online) Canadian Bar Association Real Estate (Online). Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at September 2005 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Real Property L. (Online) Canadian Bar Association Real Property Law (Online): CBA National Real Property Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at July 2004 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Sage Advice (Online) Canadian Bar Association Sage Advice (Online): CBA National Elder Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at August 2008 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Sales & Commodity Tax (Online) Canadian Bar Association Sales & Commodity Tax (Online): CBA National Sales and Commodity Tax Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at April 2004 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Skylines (Online) Canadian Bar Association Skylines (Online): CBA National Construction Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at February 2008 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Sword & Scale (Online) Canadian Bar Association Sword & Scake (Online): CBA National Military Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at April 2008 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA The Last Word: Wills, Estates and Trusts (Online) Canadian Bar Association The Last Word: Wills, Estates and Trusts (Online). Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at January 2009 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA The Marker (Online) Canadian Bar Association The Marker (Online): Criminal Matters Committee of the CBA National Competition Law Section. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at April 2008 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Town Hall (Online) Canadian Bar Association Town Hall (Online): CBA Municipal Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at July 2010 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Underwritings: Insurance L. (Online) Canadian Bar Association Underwritings: Insurance Law (Online): CBA National Insurance Law Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at 2004 - . Selectively indexed.
CBA Voir Dire (Online) Canadian Bar Association Voir Dire (Online): CBA National Criminal Justice Section Newsletter. Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Available online at December 2004 - . Selectively indexed.
Chitty's L.J. Chitty's Law Journal. 1983, vol. 31.
Class Action Def. Q. Class Action Defence Quarterly. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Quarterly. February 2007, vol. 1 - .
Com. Litigation & Arbit. Rev. Commercial Litigation & Arbitration Review. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. 4 issues yearly. February 2012, vol. 1 - . Replaces: Commercial Litigation Review
Com. Litigation Rev. Commercial Litigation Review. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. 4 issues yearly. May 2003, vol. 1 - November 2011, vol. 9. Replaced by: Commercial Litigation & Arbitration Review
Com. Insolv. R. Commercial Insolvency Reporter. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. 6 issues yearly. Feb. 2008, vol. 20 - .
Comp. Law Computer Law. 1984, vol. 1 - 1986, vol. 2.
CondoBus. CondoBusiness. Shelter Publications Ltd., 5255 Yonge St., Suite 1000, Toronto, Ont. M2N 6P4. 8 times yearly. Mar. 1999 - June 2007.
Condo. L.L. Condominium Law Letter. Law Letters Inc., 36 Toronto St., Suite 720, Toronto, Ont. M5C 2C5. 6 times yearly. Discontinued. July 1996, vol. 1 - July 1999, vol. 4.
Conf. commém. Meredith. Conférences commémoratives Meredith = Meredith Memorial Lectures (Faculté de droit, Université McGill). Éditions Yvon Blais, C.P. 180, Cowansville (Qué.) J2K 3H6. Annuel. 1984 - .
Conf. harmon. lois C. Conférence pour l'harmonisation des lois au Canada = Uniform Law Conference of Canada. Uniform Law Conference of Canada, 622 Hochelaga St., Ottawa, Ont. K1K 2E9. Annuel. Fait suite à: Conf. unif. lois C. Août 1995 - .
Conf. unif. lois C. Conference sur l'uniformisation des lois au Canada. Août 1991 - août 1994. Voir maintenant Conf. harmon. lois C.
Conflict Res. Today Conflict Resolution Today: Conflict Resolution for Everyday Life. Conrad Grebel University College, Waterloo, Ont. N2L 3G6. Continues: Interaction. Quarterly. March 2006, vol. 18, nos. 1 & 2 - Winter 2007, vol. 20, no. 5.
Congrès (APFF) Association de planification fiscale et financière. 445, boul. St-Laurent, Montréal (Qué.) H2Y 3T8. Annuel. 1995 - .
Conseil can. D. int. Conseil canadien de droit international. Congrès. Travaux = Canadian Council on International Law. Conference. Proceedings. Conseil canadien de droit international, 236, rue Metcalfe, Ottawa (Ont.) K2P 1R3. Annuel. 1985, vol. 14 - .
Constit. Forum Constitutional Forum = Forum constitutionnel. Centre for Constitutional Studies, 459 Law Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta. T6G 2H5. 4 times yearly. Winter 1991 - .
Construction L.L. Construction Law Letter. Build/Law Publications Inc., Suite 306, 505 Consumers Rd., North York, Ont. M2J 4V8. 6 times yearly. May 1991, vol. 7 - .
Corp. Mgmt. Tax Conf. Canadian Tax Foundation. Corporate Management Tax Conference. Proceedings. Suspended indefinitely. 1988 - 1999.
Corporate Governance R. Corporate Governance Report. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Quarterly. March 2007, vol. 2 - .
CPA Mag. (Eng.) CPA Magazine (English Edition). 277 Wellington Street West, Toronto, Ont. M5V 3H2. 10 times yearly. (January-February 2014) vol. 1, no. 1 - .
CPA Mag. (Fr.) CPA Magazine (French edition). 277, rue Wellington (Ouest), Toronto, Ont. M5V 3H2. 10 fois l'an. (janvier-février 2014) vol. 1, no 1 - .
Crim. L.Q. Criminal Law Quarterly. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Quarterly. 1984, vol. 27 - .
Criminologie Presses de l'Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, Succ. A, Montréal (Qué.) H3C 3J7. 2 fois l'an. 1986, vol. 19, no. 1 - 1987, vol. 20.
Crit. Analysis L. Critical Analysis of Law. Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, 84 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ont. M5S 2C5. v. 1, no. 1 (2014) - .
Critical Crim. Critical Criminology: An International Journal. Department of Sociology, Ohio University, 278 Lindley Hall, Athens, OH 45701. Continues: Journal of Human Justice. Semi-annually. Discontinued. Spring 1996, vol. 7 - Autumn 2000, vol. 9.
Crown's Newsl. Crown's Newsletter. Ontario Crown Attorneys Association, Court House, Room 101, 361 University Ave., Toronto, Ont. M5G 1Y1. 5 issues yearly. 1985, vol. 4 - Nov. 1997, vol. 3.
Current & Crit. Iss. HR Man. Current & Critical Issues in HR Management. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Scarborough, Ont. M1T 3V4. 12 issues yearly. 2009, vol. 1 - .
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Dal. J. Leg. Studies Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies. Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, Weldon Law Building, 6061 University Ave., Halifax, N.S. B3H 4H9. Annual. Spring 1992, vol. 1 - .
Dalhousie L.J. Dalhousie Law Journal (Faculty of Law, Dalhousie University, Halifax). Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 9 - .
Digest Env. L. & Assess. Digest of Environmental Law and Environmental Assessment. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Scarborough, Ont. M1T 3V4. 6 issues yearly. Oct. 1994, vol. 3 - June 1998, vol. 6.
Digest M. & P.L., Digest M. & P.L. (2d) The Digest of Municipal and Planning Law, First and Second Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. Sept. 1994, vol. 2 - .
Directions Directions: Executive Briefing, Financial Services Institute, 25 Adelaide St. East, Suite 1314, Toronto, Ont. M5C 3A1. 5 issues yearly. Discontinued. Sept. 1992, vol. 1, no. 4 - Jan. 2003, vol. 12, no. 1.
Documentation et bibliothèques 1987, vol. 33.
Droits et libertés 1985, vol. 8, no 1 - 1986, vol. 9, no 3/4/5/6.
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E.L.J. see Educ. & L.J.
E.L.L.R. Employment and Labour Law Reporter, LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Monthly. Continues: National Labour Review. May 1991, vol. 1 - .
E.T.P.J. Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Quarterly. Continues: Estates & Trusts Journal. Mar. 1998 - .
E.T.R., E.T.R. (2d), (3d), (4th) Estates & Trusts Reports. First, Second, Third and Fourth Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. 1984, vol. 17 - . Selective.
Educ. & L.J. Education & Law Journal. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 issues yearly. Name changed from: Education Law Journal. 1988/89, vol. 1 - .
Égalité: Revue acadienne d'analyse politique 2001, vol. 46.
Elec. Healthcare L. Rev. Electronic Healthcare Law Review. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Quarterly. Oct. 2011, vol. 1 - . Continues: Telehealth Law Journal.
Employ. Bull. Employment Bulletin: Legal Issues in the Workplace. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 8 times yearly. Apr. 1992, vol. 2, no. 2 - .
Employ. L.R. Employment Law Report. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 10 times yearly. July 2009, vol. 30, no. 7 - .
En toute justice Association canadienne d'assistance juridique, d'information et de recherche des handicapés. Automne 1987, vol 5, no 1 - printemps 1988, vol. 5 no 4.
Entracte Entracte: Le Journal de la chambre des notaires du Québec. Chambre des notaires du Québec, Direction de la formation, Tour de la Bourse, 800, Place Victoria, bureau 700, Case postale 162, Montréal (Québec). H4Z 1L8. Mensuellement. Nov. 1997, vol. 6, no 11 - .
Env. L. Alert Environmental Law Alert. Apr. 1992, vol. 3, no 4 - Sept. 1994, vol. 5, no. 6.
Env. Pol'y & L. Environment Policy & Law. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. Discontinued. Aug. 1993, vol. 4 - Mar. 2000, vol. 10.
Est. & Tr. J. Estates & Trusts Journal. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Quarterly. Continues: Estates & Trusts Quarterly. 1988/89 - Dec. 1997. Replaced by: Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal.
Est. & Tr. Q. Estates & Trusts Quarterly. 1985, vol. 7 - 1987/88, vol. 8. See now Est. & Tr. J. and E.T.P.J.
Estey Centre J. Inter. L. & Trade Pol. (Online) -- Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy. Suite 820, 410 22nd Street East, Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 5T6. Available online at Summer 2002, vol. 3, no. 2 - .
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Fam. L. Rev. Family Law Review. 1981/82/83, vol. 4/5/6.
For the Defence For the Defence: Criminal Lawyers' Association Newsletter, LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Quarterly. 2009, vol. 30, no. 3 - .
Forensic Accounting & Fraud Forensic Accounting & Fraud. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. 2011 - .
Forum can. crim. Le forum canadien de criminologie = Canadian Criminology Forum. 1984, vol. 7 - 1989, vol. 10.
Forum constit. Forum constitutionnel = Constitutional Forum, Centre d'études constitutionnelles, 459 Law Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta. T6G 2H5. 4 fois l'an. Hiver 1991 - .
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Gazette Gazette / Law Society of Upper Canada. 1982, vol. 16 - Sept. 1995, vol. 29.
Global Law & Business May 1995.
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Health L. Can. Health Law in Canada. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Quarterly. 1984, vol. 5 - .
Health L. Rev. Health Law Review. Health Law Institute, Law Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta. T6B 2H5. 3 times yearly. 1991, vol. 1 - .
Health L.J. Health Law Journal. Health Law Institute, 461 Law Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta. T6G 2H5. Annual. 1993, vol. 1 - .
Health Work Health in the Workplace, Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Scarborough, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. Jan. 1992, vol. 5, no. 1 - Apr. 2000, vol. 13, no. 4.
HIV/AIDS Pol. & L. Rev. HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Review. Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, 1240 Bay Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ont. M5R 2A7. Three issues per year. August 2003, vol. 8, no. 2 - .
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I.I.I.R. INSOL International Insolvency Review = Revue de droit de l'insolvabilité internationale. Dec. 1990, vol. 1 - Aug. 1991, vol. 1.
I.P.J. Intellectual Property Journal = Revue de propriété intellectuelle. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 1 - .
Imm. & Cit. Canada's Immigration and Citizenship Bulletin. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 10 times yearly. Jan. 1991, vol. 2, no. 9 - .
Imm. L.R. (2d), (3d) Immigration Law Reporter. Second and Third Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. 1986, vol. 1 (2d) - .
ImmQuest ImmQuest. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. 2005, vol. 1, no. 1 - .
Impact 1984, vol. 2.
Impact Impact Labour Law & Management Practices Newsletter. 10 times yearly. February 2012, vol. 23, no. 9 - .
Indigenous L.J. Indigenous Law Journal. University of Toronto Faculty of Law, 78 Queen's Park Circle, Toronto, Ont. M5S 2C5. Annual. Spring 2002, vol. 1 - .
Indust. Relations Industrial Relations = Relations industrielles. Pavillon J.-A. DeSève, Bureau 3129, Université Laval, Québec. G1K 7P4. Quarterly. Winter 2000, vol. 55 - .
Info. & Tech. L. Information & Technology Law. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 5 times yearly. Mar. 1996, vol. 1 - .
Innovate Mag. Innovate Magazine. University of Toronto Faculty of Law, 78 Queen's Park Circle, Toronto, Ont. M5S 2C5. Twice yearly. Spring 2004 - Spring 2006. No longer published.
Insur. and Risk Man. Insurance and Risk Management = Assurances et gestion des risques. 3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, Qué. H3T 2A7. Quarterly. April 2003 vol. 71, no. 1 - .
Int. J. Sustainable Dev. L. & P. McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy = La Revue internationale de droit et politique du développement durable de McGill. McGill University, Faculty of Law, 3661 Peel Street, Montréal, Qué. H3A 1X1. Twice yearly.
Inter. Insights International Insights. Weldon Law Bldg., Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. B3H 4H6. Semi-annual. Spring 1990, vol. 6 - .
Interaction The Network: Interaction for Conflict Resolution = Réseau: Interaction pour le règlement des conflits. Conrad Grebel College, Waterloo, Ont. N2L 3G6. Quarterly. Continued by: Conflict Resolution Today. Fall/Automne 1997, vol. 9 - September 2005, vol 17, no. 4.
Internet & E-Com. L. Can. Internet and E-Commerce Law in Canada. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Monthly. Mar. 2001, vol. 1 - .
Intervenor Newsletter of the Canadian Environmental Law Association. 517 College St., Suite 401, Toronto, Ont. M6G 4A2. 6 issues yearly. 1986, vol. 11, no. 1 - .
Ivey Business J. Ivey Business Journal. Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario. London, Ont. N6A 3K7. Five times yearly. Formerly Ivey Business Quarterly. Mar. 1999 - Sept. 2010. Discontinued.
Ivey Business Q. Winter 1998, vol. 63, no. 2. See now Ivey Business J.
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J. Arbit. & Med. Journal of Arbitration and Mediation = Revue d'artitrage et de médiation. Éditions Yvon Blais, C.P. 180, Cowansville, Que. J2K 3H6. Twice yearly. 2010-2011 - .
J. arbitr. & méd. can. Journal d'arbitrage et de médiation canadien = Canadian Arbitration and Mediation Journal. Institut d'Arbitrage et de Médiation du Canada Inc., 160 Elgin Street, Suite 2600, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 1C3. 2 fois l'an. été 1997, vol. 6, no. 1 - .
J. Bus. Val. The Journal of Business Valuation. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Biennially. 1995 - .
J. Can. Coll. of Constr. Lawyers Journal of the Canadian College of Contruction Lawyers. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Annual. 2007 - .
J. Can. Studies Journal of Canadian Studies = Revue d'études canadiennes. Trent University, Box 4800, Peterborough, Ont. K9J 7B8. Quarterly. 1986, vol. 21, no. 2 - .
J. Church L. Assoc. Can. Journal of the Church Law Association of Canada. Suite 810, 1 Queen St. E., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2W5. 1992, vol. 1 - . Discontinued.
J. du Bar. Le Journal du Barreau. Les Éditions du Barreau Inc., Maison du Barreau, 445, rue Saint-Laurent, Montréal, Qué. H2Y 3T8. Bi-mensuel. Nov. 1988, vol. 30, no 18 - .
J. Hum. Jus. The Journal of Human Justice. Suite 361, #185-9040 Blundell Road, Richmond, B.C. V6Y 1K3. Replaced by: Critical Criminology: An International Journal. Semi-annually. Autumn 1989, vol. 1 - Spring 1995, vol. 6, no. 2.
J. Int'l L. & Int'l Rel. Journal of International Law & International Relations. University of Toronto, 84 Queen's Park Crescent, Toronto, Ont. M5S 2C5. Two issues yearly. Winter 2004/Spring 2005, vol. 1, nos. 1 & 2 - .
J. juges prov. Journal des juges provinciaux = Provincial Judges Journal. Association canadienne des juges provinciaux, P.O. Box 339, Grand Bank, Nfld. A0E 1W0. Trimestriel. 1986, vol. 10, no 3/4.
J. Politics & L. Journal of Politics and Law. Canadian Center of Science and Education, 1120 Finch Avenue West, Suite 701-309, Toronto, Ont. M3J 3H7. Two times yearly. 2008, vol. 1, no. 1 - . Online:
J. Women's Health & L. Journal of Women's Health & Law. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. 3 issues yearly. Discontinued. Nov. 1999, vol. 1 - Oct. 2000, vol. 1.
J.E.L.P. Journal of Environmental Law and Practice. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 2-3 issues yearly. Sept. 1990, vol. 1 - .
J.L. & Equality Journal of Law Equality. 84 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ont. M5S 2C5. Once or twice yearly. (Spring 2011) vol. 8 - .
J.L. & Social Pol'y Journal of Law and Social Policy = Revue des lois et des politiques sociales. 375 University Ave., Suite 810, Toronto, Ont. M5G 2G1. Annual. 1985, vol. 1 - .
J.M.V.L. Journal of Motor Vehicle Law. Jan. 1989, vol. 1 - Mar. 1996, vol. 7.
J.P.P.L. Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law = Revue de droit parlementaire et politique. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Annual. 2008, vol. 1 - .
Journal of Intergroup Relations Spring 1994, vol. 21.
Jus. Report Justice Report = Actualités justice. Canadian Criminal Justice Association, 304-383 Parkdale Ave., Ottawa, Ont. K1Y 4R4. 5 issues yearly. Fall 1991, vol. 8, no. 2 - .
Just Cause Just Cause: a journal of law and people with disabilities. 1984, vol. 2, no. 3 - Spring 1988, vol. 5, no. 4.
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Key Developments in Environmental Law. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Annual. 2010 - .
Key Developments in Estates and Trusts Law in Ontario. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Annual. 2010 - .
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L.O.M.J. Law Office Management Journal = Revue de gestion des cabinets d'avocats. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Scarborough, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 issues yearly. Ceased publication: Vol. 2 (1992). Aug. 1989, vol. 1 - Dec. 1992, vol. 2.
L. Now Law Now. 11019 90 Ave., Edmonton, Alta. T6G 1A6. 10 times yearly. Feb. 1993, vol. 17, no. 5 - . Online:
L. Times Law Times. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 43 times yearly. Aug. 1988, vol. 9, no. 28 - .
L. Times Suppl. Law Times Supplement. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Dec. 2012 - .
Lab. Alert Labour Alert. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 10 issues yearly. (Premier issue) vol. 1, no. 1 - May 1999, vol. 3, no. 5.
Lab. Arb. Y.B. Labour Arbitration Yearbook. Lancaster House, 20 Dundas St. W., Suite 1135, P.O. Box 133, Toronto, Ont. M5G 2G8. Annual. 1991, vol. 1 - 2002, vol. 2. No longer published.
Law Practice Mgmt. Law Practice Management. 1985, vol. 1 - 1986, vol. 2.
Lawyer's Daily Lawyers Daily. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1.
Lawyers Wkly. Lawyers Weekly. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. 48 times yearly. Continues: Ont. Lawyers Wkly. 1986, vol. 6, no. 1 - .
Lawyers Wkly. In-House Counsel Lawyers Weekly In-House Counsel. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Occasional supplement to Lawyers Weekly. Winter 2008 - .
Lawyers Wkly. Succession Planning Lawyers Weekly Succession Planning. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Occasional supplement to Lawyers Weekly. (2013) vol. 3, no. 2 - .
Leg. Alert Legal Alert. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 12 issues yearly. 1985, vol. 4 - 1986, vol. 6; Feb. 1995, vol. 13 - .
Leg. Res. Update Legal Research Update. Legal Research Network, c/o inTeger, Suite 500, 212 King St. W., Toronto, Ont. M5H 1K5. 4 issues yearly. Sept. 1987, vol. 2, no. 1 - Mar. 1996, vol. 7, no. 1.
Legal Med. Q. Legal Medical Quarterly. 1981-83, vol. 5-7.
Lexpert Lexpert: The Business Magazine for Lawyers. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 10 issues yearly. July 2004, vol. 5, no. 7 - .
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M.C.L.R. Media and Communications Law Review. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. August 1990, vol. 1 - Mar. 1995, vol. 4.
M.P.L.R., M.P.L.R. (2d), (3d), (4th), (5th) Municipal and Planning Law Reports. First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. 1985, vol. 26 - .
M.V.R. (2d), (3d), (4th), (5th), (6th), (7th) Motor Vehicle Reports. Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. 1985, vol. 29 - .
Man. L.J. Manitoba Law Journal = Revue de droit manitobaine, Circulation Manager, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. R3T 2N2. Three times yearly. 1984, vol. 14 - .
Man. R. (2d) Manitoba Reports, Second Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Approximately 36 issues yearly. Oct. 1994, vol. 95 - . Selective.
McGill J.L. & Health McGill Journal of Law & Health = Revue de droit et santé de McGill. 3644 Peel St., Montreal, Que. H3A 1W9. 2013, vol. 7 - . Online:
McGill L.J. McGill Law Journal = Revue de droit de McGill (Faculty of Law, McGill University). 3644 Peel St., Montreal, Que. H3A 1W9. Quarterly. 1984, vol. 29 - .
McGill L.J. (Podcasts) McGill Law Journal (Podcasts) = Revue de droit de McGill (Podcasts) (Faculty of Law, McGill University). 3644 Peel St., Montreal, Que. H3A 1W9. April 2012 - .
Melbourne University Law Review 1992, vol. 18.
Meredith Mem. Lect. Meredith Memorial Lectures = Conférences commémoratives Meredith (Faculty of Law, McGill University). Éditions Yvon Blais, C.P. 180, Cowansville, Que. J2K 3H6. Annual. 1984 - .
Monde jur. Le Monde juridique. 7423, avenue de Fougeray, Anjou (Québec) H1K 3K2. Douze fois l'an. 1985, vol. 1, no 4 - 2001, vol. 13, no 5.
Money & Fam. L. Money & Family Law. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. 1987, vol. 2 - .
Mun. Liab. Risk Man. Municipal Liability Risk Management. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Six issues yearly. Nov. 2006, vol. 8, no. 1 - .
Mun. Monitor Municipal Monitor. Naylor Publications Company, 100 Sutherland Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. R2W 3C7. Six issues yearly. Nov. 2005, vol. 9, no. 6 - .
Mun. World Municipal World. Box 399 Station Main, St. Thomas, Ont. N5P 3V3. Monthly. June 1993, vol. 103, no. 6 - .
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N. & V. Civil Jus. Reform News & Views on Civil Justice Reform. Canadian Forum on Civil Justice, 110 Law Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta. Summer 2003, vol. 6 - .
N.B.R. (2d) New Brunswick Reports, Second Series. Maritime Law Books Ltd., Box 302, Fredericton, N.B. E3B 4Y9. Approximately 36 issues yearly. 1986, vol. 64 - . Selective.
N.J.C.L. National Journal of Constitutional Law = Revue nationale de droit constitutionnel. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 times yearly. Mar. 1991, vol. 1 - .
N.R. National Reporter. Maritime Law Books Ltd., Box 302, Fredericton, N.B. E3B 4Y9. Approximately 36 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 56 - .
N.S. L. News Nova Scotia Law News. Nova Scotia Barristers' Society, Centennial Building, Suite 1101, 1645 Granville St., Halifax, N.S. B3J 1X3. 6 issues yearly. Now included as a supplement in The Society Record. 1985/86, vol. 12 - .
N.S.R. (2d) Nova Scotia Reports, Second Series. Maritime Law Books Ltd., Box 302, Fredericton, N.B. E3B 4Y9. Approximately 36 issues yearly. May 1994, vol. 128 - . Selective.
Nat. (A.B.C.) National / Association du Barreau canadien = Canadian Bar Association. 1984, vol. 11, no. 10 - 1986, vol. 13, no. 8.
Nat. B.L. Rev. see Nat. Banking L. Rev.
Nat. (C.B.A.) National / Canadian Bar Association = Association du Barreau canadien. 1984, vol. 11, no 10 - 1986, vol. 13, no 8.
Nat. Banking L. Rev. National Banking Law Review. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. 6 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 3 - .
Nat. Creditor/Debtor Rev. National Creditor/Debtor Review. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Quarterly. 1985, vol. 1 - .
Nat. Insolvency Rev. National Insolvency Review. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. 6 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 2 - .
Nat. Jud. Inst. Bull. National Judicial Institute Bulletin = Institut national de la magistrature Bulletin, National Judicial Institute, Suite 202, 100 Metcalfe St., Ottawa, Ont. K1P 5M1. Discontinued. March 1993, vol. 6, no. 1 - Oct. 2000, vol. 13, no. 2.
Nat. Labour Rev. National Labour Review. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. 1987/88, vol. 1 - Apr. 1991, vol. 3. See now E.L.L.R.
Nat. Property Rev. 1988, vol. 1 - Aug. 1990, vol. 3. See now Nat. Real Property L. Rev.
Nat. Real Property L. Rev. National Real Property Law Review. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. 4 issues yearly. Continues: National Property Review. Sept. 1990, vol. 3 - 1993, vol. 2.
National The National (Canadian Bar Association) = National (L'Association du Barreau canadien). Canadian Bar Association, Suite 902-50 O'Connor, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. 8 times yearly. Oct. 1992, vol. 1, no. 1 - .
Nfld. & P.E.I.R. Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island Reports. Maritime Law Book Ltd., Box 302, Fredericton, N.B. E3B 4Y9. Approximately 36 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 4 - . Selective.
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O.A.C. Ontario Appeal Cases. Maritime Law Book Ltd., Box 302, Fredericton, N.B. E3B 4Y9. Approximately 36 issues yearly. Mar. 1994, vol. 67 - . Selective.
O.M.B.R. Ontario Municipal Board Reports. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. 1988, vol. 20 - . Selective.
OBA Aboriginal L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Aboriginal Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Abstract Page: Real Property (Online). Ontario Bar Association Abstract Page: Real Property (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Admin. L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Administrative Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Alter. Dispute Res. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Alternative Dispute Resolution (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Animal L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Animal Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Bankruptcy & Insolvency L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Bankruptcy & Insolvency Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Business L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Business Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Charity and Not-for-Profit L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Charity and Not-for-Profit Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Children and Youth L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Children and Youth Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Citizenship and Imm. L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Citizenship and Immigration Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Civil Litigation (Online). Ontario Bar Association Civil Litigation (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Class Actions L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Class Actions Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Construction L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Construction Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online: Selectively indexed.
OBA Construction and Infrastructure L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Construction and Infrastructure Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online: Selectively indexed.
OBA Crim. Justice (Online). Ontario Bar Association Criminal Justice (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Education L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Education Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Entertainment, Media and Communications L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Entertainment, Media and Communications Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Environmental L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Environmental Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Family L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Family Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Franchise L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Franchising Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Health L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Health Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Information Technology and E-Commerce L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Information Technology and E-Commerce Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Information Technology and Intellectual Property L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Insolvency L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Insolvency Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Insurance L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Insurance Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA International L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association International Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA L. Practice Management (Online). Ontario Bar Association Law Practice Management (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Labour & Employment L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Labour & Employment Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Municipal L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Municipal Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Natural Resources & Energy L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Natural Resources & Energy Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Pensions & Benefits L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Pensions & Benefits Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Privacy L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Privacy Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Public Sector Lawyers (Online). Ontario Bar Association Public Sector Lawyers (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Real Property L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Real Property Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Sole, Small Firm and General Practice (Online). Ontario Bar Association Sole, Small Firm and General Practice (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online: Selectively indexed.
OBA Taxation L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Taxation Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Trusts and Estates L. (Online). Ontario Bar Association Trusts and Estates Law (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Voices (Online). Ontario Bar Association Voices (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online: Selectively indexed.
OBA Women Lawyers (Online). Ontario Bar Association Women Lawyers (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Workers' Compensation (Online). Ontario Bar Association Workers' Compensation (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OBA Young Lawyers (Online). Ontario Bar Association Young Lawyers (Online). Ontario Bar Association / Association du Barreau de l'Ontario, 300-20 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2B8. Online:
OH&S Ontario OH&S Law Report. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 6 times yearly. Nov. 1991, vol. 4, no. 1 - Mar. 2000, vol. 12, no. 2.
Ont. Lawyers Wkly. Ontario Lawyers Weekly. Continued by: The Lawyers Weekly. 1984, vol. 4, no. 4 - 1986, vol. 5, no. 48.
Ont. Tax Conf. Ontario Tax Conference. Canadian Tax Foundation, 595 Bay Street, Suite 1200, Toronto, Ont. M5G 2N5. Annual. 2001 - .
Ont. Work. Safety and Ins. Rev. Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Review. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 6 times yearly. Oct. 1999, vol. 1, no. 3 - Apr. 2000, vol. 1, no. 6.
Osgoode Hall L.J. Osgoode Hall Law Journal. Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, 4700 Keele St., Downsview, Ont. M3J 2R5. Quarterly. 1984, vol. 22 - . Online:
Osgoode Hall Rev. L. & Pol. Osgoode Hall Review of Law & Policy. Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, 4700 Keele St., Downsview, Ont. M3J 2R5. Irregular. 2008, vol. 1 - . Online:
Ottawa L. Rev. Ottawa Law Review = Revue de droit d'Ottawa. Business Manager, Ottawa Law Review, Faculty of Law, Common Law Section, P.O. Box 450, Stn. A, 57 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6N5. 3 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 16 - . Online:
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P.P.S.A.C. (2d) Personal Property Security Act Cases, Second Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Annual. 1984, vol. 4 - . Selective.
Philanthrop. The Philanthropist = Le Philanthrope (The Agora Foundation). Box 507, Station Q, Toronto, Ont. M4T 2M5. Quarterly. 1984, vol. 4, no. 1 - .
Pitblado Lect. Isaac Pitblado Lectures. Faculty of Law, 104 Robson Hall, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. R3T 2N2. Annual. 1995 - .
Precedent Precedent. Law and Style Media Inc., 2 Grange Place, Toronto, Ont. M5T 1Z5. Four issues per year. Summer 2009, vol. 3, no. 2 - .
Presse jur. La Presse juridique. Éditions Yvon Blais Inc., 430 St-Pierre, bureau 100, Montréal (Québec) H2Y 2M5. 24 fois par année. Discontinued. Août 1997, vol. 5, no 12 - Juin 1999, vol. 7, no 4.
Prov. J.J. see Prov. Judges J.
Prov. Judges J. Provincial Judges Journal = Journal des juges provinciaux. Canadian Association of Provincial Court Judges, P.O. Box 339, Grand Bank, Nfld. A0E 1W0. Quarterly. 1985, vol. 8, no. 4 - .
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Queen's L.J. Queen's Law Journal. Faculty of Law, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont. K7L 3N6. 3 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 10 - .
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R. droit assur. Revue canadienne de droit des assurances = Canadian Insurance Law Review, Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Annuel. 1988, vol. 1 - Nov. 1996, vol. 6.
R. du B. La Revue du Barreau. Barreau du Québec, 445, boul. St-Laurent, Montréal (Qué.) H2Y 3T8. 5 fois l'an. 1984, vol. 44 - .
R. du B. can. La Revue du Barreau canadien = The Canadian Bar Review. Fondation du Barreau canadien, 130, rue Albert, Ottawa (Ont.) K1P 5G4. Trimestriel. 1985, vol. 63 - .
R. du N. La Revue du Notariat. Chambre des notaires du Québec, Direction de l'information juridique, Tour de la Bourse, 800, place Victoria, bureau 700, Case postale 162, Montréal (Québec) H4Z 1L8. 5 fois l'an. 1984, vol. 87 - .
R. gestion cab. d'av. Revue de gestion des cabinets d'avocats = Law Office Management Journal. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 fois l'an. Publication terminée: vol. 2 (1991).
R. n. droit const. Revue nationale de droit constitutionnel = National Journal of Constitutional Law. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 fois l'an. Mars 1991, vol. 1, no 1 - .
R.C.D.A.P. Revue canadien de droit administratif et de pratique = Canadian Journal of Administrative Law & Practice. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 fois l'an. Mars 1992, vol. 5 - .
R.C.L.F. Revue de la common law en français. Université de Moncton, Moncton (N.-B.). E1A 3E9. Deux fois par année. 1996, vol. 1 - . Publication terminée.
R.C.S.P. Revue canadienne de science politique = Canadian Journal of Political Science. Canadian Political Science Assoc., Suite 205, 1 Stewart St., Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6H7. Trimestriel. Déc. 1991, vol. 24 - .
R.D. comm. Can.-é.-U. Revue de droit commercial Canada-états-Unis = Canada-U.S. Business Law Review. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 fois l'an. Juillet 1990, vol. 4 - oct. 1992, vol. 5.
R.D. éd. -- Revue de droit de l'éducation = Education and Law Journal. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 fois l'an. 1988/89, vol. 1 - .
R.D. et santé McGill Revue de droit et santé de McGill = McGill Journal of Law and Health. 3644, rue Peel, Montréal (Qué.) H3A 1W9. 2013, vol. 7 - . Online:
R.D. Man. Revue de droit manitobaine = Manitoba Law Journal. Circulation Manager, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. R3T 2N2. 3 fois l'an. 1984, vol. 14 - .
R.D. McGill Revue de droit de McGill = McGill Law Journal (Faculté de droit, Université McGill). 3644, rue Peel, Montréal (Qué.) H3A 1W9. Trimestriel. 1985, vol. 30 - .
R.D. McGill (Podcasts) Revue de droit de McGill (Podcasts) = McGill Law Journal (Podcasts). 3644, rue Peel, Montréal (Qué.) H3A 1W9. (April 2012) - .
R.D. Media & Comm. Revue de droit media & communications = Media and Communication Law Review, Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 fois l'an. Août 1990, vol. 1 - mars 1995, vol. 4.
R.D. U.N.-B. Revue de droit de l'Université du Nouveau-Brunswick = University of New Brunswick Law Journal. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Annuel. 1988, vol. 37 - .
R.D.B.F. Revue de droit bancaire et de finance = Banking & Finance Law Review. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 fois l'an. 1986/87, vol. 1 - .
R.D.F. Recueil de droit de la famille. Société québécoise d'information juridique, 276, rue St-Jacques, Bureau 310, Montréal (Qué.) H2Y 1N3. Trimestriel. 1986 - 1988.
R.D.I. Recueil de droit immobilier. Société québécoise d'information juridique, 276, rue St-Jacques, Bureau 310, Montréal (Qué.) H2Y 1N3. Trimestriel. 1986 - 1990.
R.D.I.I. Revue de droit de l'insolvabilité internationale = INSOL International Insolvency Review. Déc. 1990, vol. 1 - août 1991, vol. 1.
R.D.P.P. Revue de droit parlementaire et politique = Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law, Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Annuel. 2008, vol. 1 - .
R.D.P.D.D. McGill La Revue internationale de droit et politique du développement durable de McGill = McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy. McGill University, Faculty of Law, 3661 Peel Street, Montréal, Qué. H3A 1X1. 2 fois l'an.
R.D.T.U.O. Revue de droit & technologie de l'Université d'Ottawa = University of Ottawa Law & Technology Journal. University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, Common Law Section, 57 Louis Pasteur St., Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6N5. 2003-2004 vol. 1, nos 1 & 2 - . Publication terminée.
R.D.U.S. Revue de droit, Université de Sherbrooke. Faculté de droit, Université de Sherbrooke, 2500, boul. Université, Sherbrooke (Qué.) J1K 2R1. 2 fois l'an. 1984, vol. 15 - .
R.D.U.T. Revue de droit de l'Université de Toronto = University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Trimestriel. 1987, vol. 45 - .
R.D.V.A. Revue de droit des véhicules automobiles = Journal of Motor Vehicle Law, Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 fois l'an. Janvier 1989, vol. 1 - mars 1996, vol. 7.
R.E.J. Revue d'études juridiques. Les Éditions Wilson & Lafleur Ltée, 40 rue Notre-Dame est, Montréal, Qué. H2Y 1B9. 1993, vol. 1 - 2000, vol. 7.
R.F.L. (2d), (3d), (4th), (5th), (6th), (7th) Reports of Family Law. Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 24 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 41 - .
R.G.D. Revue générale de droit (Section de droit civil, Faculté de droit, Université d'Ottawa). Wilson & Lafleur ltée, 39, rue Notre-Dame ouest, Montréal (Qué.) H2Y 1S5. Trimestriel. 1986, vol. 16 - .
R.I.B.L. Review of International Business Law. 1987, vol. 1 - Nov. 1989, vol. 3. See now C.U.B.L.R.
R.J.E.L. La Revue juridique des étudiants de l'Université Laval. 1987, vol. 1 - 1990, vol. 4. Voir maintenant R.J.E.U.L.
R.J.E.U.L. La Revue juridique des étudiants et étudiantes de l'Université Laval. Faculté de droit de l'Université Laval, local 7110, Pavillon Charles-de-Koninck, Sainte-Foy, Qué. G1K 7P4. Annuel. 1991, vol. 5 - .
R.J.F.D. voir Rev. jur. Femme & D.
R.J.T. La Revue juridique Thémis. Les Éditions Thémis, Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, Succ. A, Montréal (Qué.) H3C 3J7. 3 fois l'an. 1984, vol. 18 - .
R.P.I. Revue de propriété intellectuelle = Intellectual Property Journal. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 1 - .
R.P.R., R.P.R. (2d), (3d), (4th), (5th), (6th) Real Property Reports. First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Series. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. 1984, vol. 36 - .
R.P.R.D. Revue de prévention et de règlement des différends. Éditions Yvon Blais, C.P. 180, Cowansville, Qué. J2K 3H6. Trimestriel.
R.Q.D.I. Revue québécoise de droit international. Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-Ville, Montréal (Qué.) H3C 3J7. 1984, vol. 1 - .
R.R.A. Recueil en responsabilité et assurance. Société québécoise d'information juridique, 276, rue St-Jacques, Bureau 310, Montréal (Qué.) H2Y 1N3. Trimestriel. 1986.
Rec. ann. Windsor accès justice Recueil annuel de Windsor d'accès à la justice = Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice. Faculty of Law, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. N9B 3P4. Annuel. 1984, vol. 4 - . Online:
Refuge Refuge. Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, 4700 Keele St., Toronto, Ont. M3J 1P3. 6 times yearly. Aug. 2000, vol. 20, no. 4 - .
RegQuest RegQuest: Regulatory Offences and Compliance Newsletter. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. May 2008 - .
Relations indus. Relations industrielles = Industrial Relations. Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, 4700 Keele St., Toronto, Ont. M3J 1P3. 6 times yearly. Hiver 2000, vol. 55 - .
Repères Repères: Bulletin mensuel: droit civil québecois. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Mensuel. Déc. 1997 - mars 2003.
Resource News Resource News: a general legal information magazine. Jan. 1987, vol. 11 - Apr. 1987, vol. 11.
Resources : Newsletter of the Canadian Institute of Resources Law. Room 3330, Professional Faculties Building, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Calgary, Alta. T2N 1N4. Quarterly. 1982, vol. 1 - .
Rev. affaires juridiques & sociales Windsor -- Revue des affaires juridiques et sociales - Windsor = Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues. Faculty of Law, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Ave., Windsor, Ont. N9B 3P4. Annuel. Fait suite à: Revue canadienne de droit communautaire. 1989, vol. 1 - .
Rev. affaires juridiques & sociales Windsor (Digital Companion) -- Revue des affaires juridiques et sociales - Windsor (Digital Companion) = Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues (Digital Companion). Faculty of Law, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Ave., Windsor, Ont. N9B 3P4. 2015, vol. 1 - .
Rev. C.P.I. Revue canadienne de propriété intellectuelle = Canadian Intellectual Property Review. Institut canadien des brevets et marques, C.P. 1298, Succ. B, Ottawa (Ont.) K1P 5R3. Mensuel. Apr. 1990, vol. 6 - .
Rev. can. Bibliothèques d. Revue canadienne des bibliothèques de droit = Canadian Law Library Review. PO Box 1570, 4 Cataraqui Street, Suite 310, Kingston, Ont. K7L 5C8. 5 fois l'an. Faite suite à: Bibliothèques d. can. Spring 2003, vol. 29, no. 1 - .
Rev. can. crim. Revue canadienne de criminologie = Canadian Journal of Criminology. 1984, vol. 26 - Oct. 2002, vol. 44. Voir maintenant Rev. can. crim. & jus. pénale.
Rev. can. crim. & jus. pénale Revue canadienne de criminologie et justice pénale = Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Association canadienne de justice pénale, 304-383, av. Parkdale, Ottawa (Ont.) K1Y 4R4. Trimestriel. Anciennement Revue canadienne de criminologie. Jan. 2003, vol. 45 - .
Rev. can. D. & emploi Revue canadienne de droit et de l'emploi = Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal. Lancaster House, 20 Dundas St. W., Suite 1036, Toronto, Ont. M5G 2G8. 4 fois l'an. Spring 1993, vol. 1 - .
Rev. can. D. & société Revue canadienne de droit et société = Canadian Journal of Law and Society. University of Calgary Press, 2500 University Drive N.W., Calgary, Alta. T2N 1N4. 2 fois l'an. 1986, vol. 1 - .
Rev. can. D. & Tech. Revue canadienne de droit & technology = Canadian Journal of Law & Technology. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ont. 2 fois l'an. avril 2009, vol. 7, no 1 - .
Rev. can. D. comm. Revue canadienne du droit de commerce = Canadian Business Law Journal. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Trimestriel. 1986, vol. 12 - .
Rev. can. D. communautaire 1984, vol. 7 - 1986, vol. 9. Voir maintenant Rev. affaires juridiques & sociales Windsor.
Rev. can. D. concurrence Revue canadienne du droit de la concurrence = Canadian Competition Law Review. Canadian Bar Association, 500 - 865 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ont. K1S 5S8. 2 fois l'an.
Rev. can. D. fam. Revue canadienne de droit familial = Canadian Journal of Family Law. Room 165, Faculty of Law, 1822 East Mall, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, C.-B. V6T 1Y1. 2 fois l'an. 1984, vol. 4 - .
Rev. can. D. Inter. -- Revue canadienne de droit international = Canadian International Lawyer. c/o La Rédaction, pièce 200, 20, rue Toronto, Toronto (Ontario) M5C 2B8. Annuel. 1994, vol. 1, no 1 - .
Rev. can. droit p. Revue canadienne de droit pénal = Canadian Criminal Law Review. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 3 fois l'an. Juill. 1996, vol. 1 - .
Rev. can. propriété intellectuelle voir Rev. C.P.I.
Rev. can. recours coll. \261 Revue canadienne des recours collectifs = Canadian Class Action Review. Irwin Law Inc., 347 Bay St., Suite 501, Toronto, Ont. M5H 2R7. Twice yearly. Jan. 2004, vol 1 - .
Rev. Constit. Studies Review of Constitutional Studies = Revue d'études constitutionnelles. 456 Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta. T6G 2H5. 1993, vol. 1 - .
Rev. d'arbit. et médiat. Revue d'arbitrage et de médiation = Journal of Arbitration and Mediation. Éditions Yvon Blais, C.P. 180, Cowansville, Que. J2K 3H6. 2 fois l'an. 2010-2011 - .
Rev. D. linguistique Revue de droit linguistique. Université de Moncton, Moncton Campus, Adrien J. Cormier Building, 18 Antonine-Maillet Avenue, Moncton, N.B. E1A 3E9. 2014, vol. 1 - . Online:
Rev. D. Ottawa Revue de droit d'Ottawa = Ottawa Law Review. Secrétaire administrative, Revue de droit d'Ottawa, Faculté de droit, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa (Ont.) K1N 6N5. 3 fois l'an. 1989, vol. 21 - . Online:
Rev. Enseign. D. can. Revue de l'enseignement du droit au Canada = Canadian Legal Education Annual Review. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Annuel. 2007- .
Rev. études can. Revue d'études canadiennes = Journal of Canadian Studies. Trent University, Box 4800, Peterborough, Ont. K9J 7B8. Trimestriel. 1986, vol. 21, no 2 - .
Rev. études constit. Revue d'études constitutionnelles = Review of Constitutional Studies. 456 Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta. T6G 2H5. 1993, vol. 1 - .
Rev. Femmes & D. Revue femmes et droit = Canadian Journal of Women and the Law. Association nationale de la femme et le droit, 323, rue Chapel, Ottawa (Ont.) K1N 7Z2. 2 fois l'an. Anciennement: Revue juridique "La Femme et le droit". 1992, vol. 5 - .
Rev. fiscale can. Revue fiscale canadienne = Canadian Tax Journal. Association canadienne d'études fiscales, 1 Queen St. E., Suite 1800, Toronto (Ont.) M5C 2Y2. 6 fois l'an. 1984, vol. 32 - . Online:
Rev. JAG Forces can. Revue du JAG des Forces canadiennes = Canadian Forces JAG Journal. 1985, vol. 1 - 1989, vol. 3.
Rev. jur. Femme & D. 1985, vol. 1, no. 1 - 1990-1991, vol. 4. Voir maintenant Rev. Femmes & D.
Rev. lois & pol. sociales Revue des lois et des politiques sociales = Journal of Law and Social Policy. Association des cliniques juridiques de l'Ontario, 700 Bay St., Suite 2303, Toronto, Ont. M5G 1Z6. Annuel. 1985, vol. 1 - .
Rev. plan. fisc. & financière Revue de planification fiscale et financière. L'Association de planification fiscale et financière, 445, boul. Saint-Laurent, bureau 300, Montréal, Qué. H2Y 2Y7. 4 fois l'an. Fait suite à: Revue de planification fiscale et successorale.
Rev. plan. fisc. & success. Revue de planification fiscale et successorale. L'Association de planification fiscale et financière, 445, boul. Saint-Laurent, bureau 300, Montréal, Qué. H2Y 2Y7. 4 fois l'an. 1994, vol. 16 - .
Rev. sci. de l'AIFI Revue scientifique de l'AIFI (Association internationale francophone des intervenants auprès des familles séparées). Éditions Yvon Blais, C.P. 180, Cowansville, Qué. J2K 3H6. Trimestriel. 2007, vol. 1, no 1 - .
Revue de l'Université de Moncton 1997, vol. 30, no. 2.
Revue interdisciplinaire d'études juridiques 2003, vol. 49.
Revue pénitentiaire et de droit pénal 1996.
RRSP Plan. RRSP Planning. Federated Press, Circulation Dept., P.O. Box 4005, Station "A", Toronto, Ont. M5W 2Z8. Quarterly. 1993, vol. 1 - 1997, vol. 4.
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S.C.R.R. Securities and Corporate Regulation Review. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Monthly. Ceased publication: Vol. 6 (1992). 1986, vol. 1 - 1992, vol. 6.
Sask. L. Rev. Saskatchewan Law Review. Secretary, College of Law, University of Saskatchewan, 15 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, Sask. S7N 5A6. 2 issues yearly. 1984-85, vol. 49 - .
Sask. R. Saskatchewan Reports. Maritime Law Book Ltd., Box 302, Fredericton, N.B. E3B 4Y9. Approximately 36 issues yearly. 1987, vol. 50 - . Selective.
Soc. Record The Society Record. Nova Scotia Barristers' Society, Suite 1101-1645, Granville Street, Halifax, N.S. B3J 1X3. 6 times yearly. Includes Nova Scotia Law News pullout supplement. June 2003, vol. 21, no. 3 - .
Solicitor's J. Solicitor's Journal = Le Bulletin des avocats. Canadian Bar Association, New Brunswick Branch, Suite 305, 1133 Regent St., Fredericton, N.B. E3B 3Z2. Quarterly. Spring 1988, vol. 4, no. 2 - .
Spec. Lect. L.S.U.C. Special Lectures of the Law Society of Upper Canada. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Annual. 1982 - .
Stratège APFF Stratège: Association de planification fiscale et financière. 1100 boul. René-Lévesque Ouest, bureau 660, Montréal (Qué.) H3B 4N4. 5 fois l'an. Fév. 2011 - .
Studia Canonica Studia canonica: Revue canadienne de droit canonique = Studia canonica: A Canadian Canon Law Review. Saint Paul University, 223 Main Street, Ottawa, Ont. K1S 1C4. Twice yearly. 2000, vol. 34 - .
Sup. Ct. L. Rev. (2d) The Supreme Court Law Review (Second Series). LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Annual. 1985, vol. 7 - .
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T. Hyperion Tax Hyperion. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. August 2004, vol. 1, no. 1 - .
T. of Executive Comp. and Retirement Taxation of Executive Compensation and Retirement. Federated Press, Circulation Dept., P.O. Box 4005, Station "A", Toronto, Ont. M5W 2Z8. 10 times yearly. June 1990, vol. 1 - .
Tax Conf. Rep. Canadian Tax Foundation. Tax Conference. Report of proceedings. 1985, vol. 37.
TBP The Body Politic: a magazine for lesbian/gay liberation. Sept. 1986, no. 130 - Oct. 1986, no. 131.
Telehealth L.J. Telehealth Law Journal. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. Quarterly. Sept. 2000, vol. 1 - June 2011, vol. 11. Replaced by: Electronic Healthcare Law Review.
Toledo J. Great Lakes L., Sc. & Pol. Toledo Journal of Great Lakes' Law, Science and Policy. University of Toledo College of Law, 2801 W. Bancroft St., Toledo, OH 43606-3390. Two issues yearly. Spring 1998, vol. 1 - Fall 2000, vol. 3.
Toronto L.J. Toronto Law Journal. Toronto Lawyers Association, Court House Library, 361 University Avenue, 3rd Floor, Toronto, Ont. M5G 3T1. Monthly. October 2015 - . Online:
Trade L. Topics Trade Law Topics. LexisNexis Canada Inc., 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 900, Toronto, Ont. M2H 3R1. 6 issues yearly. Publication suspended. 1985, vol. 1 - June 1989, vol. 3.
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U.O.L.T.J. University of Ottawa Law & Technology Journal = Revue de droit & technologie de l'Université d'Ottawa. University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, Common Law Section, 57 Louis Pasteur St., Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6N5. 2003-2004 vol. 1, nos. 1 & 2 - . Discontinued.
U. Toronto Faculty L. Rev. see U.T. Fac. L. Rev.
U. Toronto L.J. see U.T.L.J.
U.B.C. L. Rev. University of British Columbia Law Review. Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z1. 2 issues yearly. 1984, vol. 18 - .
U.N.B. L.J. University of New Brunswick Law Journal = Revue de droit de l'Université du Nouveau-Brunswick. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Annual. 1985, vol. 34 - .
U.T. Fac. L. Rev. University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review = Revue de droit de l'Université de Toronto. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. 2 issues yearly. 1987, vol. 45 - .
U.T.L.J. University of Toronto Law Journal. 5201 Dufferin St., North York, Ont. M3H 5T8. Quarterly. 1985, vol. 35 - .
U.W.O. J. Leg. Studies University of Western Ontario Journal of Legal Studies. The Josephine Spencer Niblett Building, 1151 Richmond St. N., University of Western Ontario, London, Ont. N6A 3K7. (Online: 2012, vol. 1, no. 1. Continued as: Western Journal of Legal Studies.
U.W.O. L. Rev. University of Western Ontario Law Review. 1984, vol. 22 - 1986/87, vol. 24, no. 2.
Uberrima Fides Uberrima Fides: An Insurance Journal Nov. 1991, vol. 1 - Dec. 1993, vol. 2.
Unif. L. Conf. Uniform Law Conference of Canada. Proceedings = Conférence pour l'harmonisation des lois au Canada. Uniform Law Conference of Canada, 622 Hochelage St., Ottawa, Ont. K1K 2E9. Annual. Aug. 1991 - Aug. 2006.
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Western J. Leg. Studies Western Journal of Legal Studies. The Josephine Spencer Niblett Building, 1151 Richmond St. N., University of Western Ontario, London, Ont. N6A 3K7. (Online: 2012, vol. 2, no. 1 - . Formerly published as: University of Western Ontario Journal of Legal Studies.
Windsor Rev. Legal & Social Issues -- Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues = Revue des affaires juridiques et sociales - Windsor. Faculty of Law, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Ave., Windsor, Ont. N9B 3P4. Annual. Continues: Canadian Community Law Journal. 1989, vol. 1 - .
Windsor Rev. Legal & Social Issues (Digital Companion) -- Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues (Digital Companion) = Revue des affaires juridiques et sociales - Windsor (Digital Companion). Faculty of Law, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Ave., Windsor, Ont. N9B 3P4. 2015, vol. 1 - .
Windsor Y.B. Access Justice The Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice = Recueil annuel de Windsor d'accès à la justice. Faculty of Law, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. N9B 3P4. Annual. 1984, vol. 4 - . Online:
Work. News Workplace News. Thomson Reuters, 2075 Kennedy Rd., Toronto, Ont. M1T 3V4. Monthly. Jan. 1998, vol. 4, no. 1 - Nov. 2008, vol. 14, no. 6. No longer published.
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