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Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines:
A Draft Proposal

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The dividing line between the two proposed formulas under the advisory guidelines is the presence of a child support obligation.[22] Where the spouses have not had children or the children have grown up and are on their own, the without child support formula will apply. Where a spouse is paying child support, the with child support formula will apply.

From a technical perspective, there must be a different formula for spousal support in these cases, a formula that takes into account the payment of child support and its priority over spousal support. Further, because of tax and benefit issues, we have to use net rather than gross incomes. Practically, the payment of child support usually means reduced ability to pay spousal support. And, theoretically, there are different rationales for the amount and duration of spousal support where there are still dependent children to be cared for and supported.

This category of cases dominates in practice, in support statistics and in jurisprudence. Any advisory guidelines must generate a workable formula for amount and duration for this category, a formula that can adjust across a wide range of incomes and family circumstances. For the most part, marriages with dependent children will involve spousal support paid by a parent who is also paying child support to the recipient spouse. The basic formula in this chapter is constructed around this typical situation. Variations on the basic formula are required to accommodate cases of shared and split custody. There are also a sizeable number of cases where the spouse paying spousal support has primary parental responsibility for the children. In these custodial payor situations, an alternative formula must be constructed.

6.1 The Rationales for Spousal Support

Where there are dependent children, the primary rationale for spousal support is compensatory. After Moge, spouses must, as Chief Justice McLachlin put it in Bracklow, “compensate each other for foregone careers and missed opportunities during the marriage upon the breakdown of their union.” The main reason for those foregone careers and missed opportunities is the assumption of primary responsibility by one spouse for the care of children during the marriage. Where one spouse, in a marriage with children, has become a full-time homemaker or has worked outside the home part time or has worked as a secondary earner, there will be disadvantage and loss at the end of the marriage, usually warranting compensatory support. The compensatory rationale is encompassed by the first of the four objectives of spousal support, in s.15.2(6)(a) of the Divorce Act.

Under compensatory theory, it is usually necessary to estimate the spouse’s disadvantage or loss by determining what the recipient’s career or employment path might have been, had the recipient not adopted his or her role during the marriage—not an easy task. The ideal evidence would be individualized economic evidence of earning capacity loss, but few litigants could afford such evidence and often it would be highly speculative. Some spouses never establish a career or employment history. For others, their pre-marital and marital choices were shaped by their future expected role during marriage. And there are short marriages, where past losses are relatively small and most of the spouse’s child-rearing and any associated losses are still to come in the future.

As was explained in Chapter 1, after Moge courts had to develop proxies to measure that loss where there was no clear and specific career or employment path. Need became the most common proxy, calculated through the conventional budget analysis. Sometimes standard of living was used, with the post-separation position of the recipient spouse measured against the marital standard or some reasonable standard of living. In practice, crude compromises were made in applying the compensatory approach.

More recently, what we have called the parental partnership rationale has emerged in the literature and in the case law. On this approach, the obligation for spousal support flows from parenthood rather than the marital relationship itself. It is not the length of the marriage, or marital interdependency, or merger over time, that drives this theory of spousal support, but the presence of dependent children and the need to provide care and support for those children. Unlike the conventional compensatory approach, parental partnership looks at not just past loss, but also the continuing economic disadvantage that flows from present and future child-care responsibilities. For shorter marriages with younger children, these present and future responsibilities are more telling. Further, the parental partnership rationale better reflects the reality that many women never acquire a career before marriage, or mould their pre-marital employment in expectation of their primary parental role after marriage.

The parental partnership rationale is firmly anchored in one of the four statutory objectives in s.15.2(6) of the Divorce Act, where clause (b) states a spousal support order should:

apportion between the spouses any financial consequences arising from the care of any child of the marriage over and above any obligation for the support of any child of the marriage.

The 1997 implementation of the Federal Child Support Guidelines has reinforced this rationale. Under the Guidelines, only the direct costs of child-rearing—and not even all of them—are included in child support. The indirect costs of child-rearing were left to be compensated through spousal support, as was recognized by the 1995 Family Law Committee’s Report and Recommendations on Child Support. Principal amongst these indirect costs is the custodial parent’s reduced ability to maximize his or her income because of child-care responsibilities. Now that child support is fixed under the Guidelines and determined by a different method than before 1997, spousal support has to be adjusted to reflect the concerns identified by the parental partnership model.

With the implementation of the Federal Child Support Guidelines came the increased use of computer software. The software regularly and graphically displays information like net disposable income, cash flow and household standards of living. This information has made spouses, lawyers and courts more conscious of the financial implications of child and spousal support, in turn reflected in the use of these concepts in determining the amount of spousal support. Before the Federal Child Support Guidelines, and even afterwards for a while, most courts were not prepared to award more than 50 percent of the family’s net disposable income to the custodial spouse and children, leaving the single payor spouse with the other 50 percent. With the new software, many courts began consciously to allocate more than 50 percent of a family’s net disposable income to the custodial parent and children, and even as much as 60 percent, as in the Ontario Court of Appeal decision in Andrews v. Andrews[23] and in numerous trial decisions across the country.[24]

6.2 Background to the Basic Formula

There is no simple way to construct a formula for spousal support where the support payor is also paying child support. First, child support must be determined, as it takes priority over spousal support in assessing the payor’s ability to pay. Second, child support is not taxable or deductible, but spousal support is taxable to the recipient and deductible for the payor. Third, child and spousal support must be determined separately, but it is very difficult in any formula to isolate spousal finances cleanly from support of children.

This formula for cases with child support—the with child support formula—differs from the without child support formula set out in Chapter 5. First, the with child support formula uses the net incomes of the spouses, not their gross incomes. Second, the with child support formula divides the pool of combined net incomes between the two spouses, not just the difference between the spouses’ gross incomes. Third, in the with child support formula, the upper and lower percentage limits for net income division do not change with the length of the marriage.

Unlike the without child support formula, this formula must use net income. While gross income would be simpler to understand, calculate and implement, nothing remains simple once child support has to be considered. Different tax treatment demands more detailed after-tax calculations, and ability to pay must be more accurately assessed. Net income computations will usually require computer software, another unavoidable complication.

Thanks to that same computer software, many lawyers have become familiar with net disposable income or monthly cash flow calculations. Judges now often use such calculations to underpin their spousal support decisions.[25] In the current software programs, these numbers include child and spousal support to produce what we would call family net disposable income or cash flow. This larger pool of net income is then divided between the spouses. Often, more than 50 percent of this family net disposable income is allocated to the recipient spouse and children by way of combined child and spousal support, or sometimes as much as 60 percent and occasionally even more. Under the formula proposed here for spousal support, we divide a different and smaller pool of net income, after removing the spouses’ respective child support obligations—what we call individual net disposable income or INDI.

We considered using the more familiar family net disposable income as the basis for our with child support formula, rather than this newer variation of individual net disposable income. In the end we opted for individual net disposable income. First, the family net disposable income of the recipient spouse includes both child and spousal support, bulking up the recipient’s income in a somewhat misleading fashion and masking the impact of spousal support upon the recipient parent’s individual income. Second, allocating family NDI between spouses blurs the distinction between child and spousal support, between child and adult claims upon income. Individual NDI attempts to back out the child support contributions of each spouse, to obtain a better estimate of the income pool that remains to be divided between the adults. Third, after separation, the spouses see themselves, not as one family, but more as individuals with distinct relationships with their children and their former spouses. Fourth, separating out each spouse’s individual net disposable income, after removal of child support obligations, produced a more robust and sophisticated formula, one that adjusted better across income levels and numbers of children.

6.3 The Basic Formula

Set out in the box below is a summary of how this basic with child support formula works. Remember that this formula applies where the higher income spouse is paying both child and spousal support to the lower income spouse who is also the parent with custody or primary care of the children.

The Basic With Child Support Formula

(1)  Determine the individual net disposable income (INDI) of each spouse:

  • Guidelines Income minus Child Support minus Taxes and Deductions = Payor’s INDI
  • Guidelines Income minus Notional Child Support minus Taxes and Deductions plus Government Benefits and Credits = Recipient’s INDI

(2)  Add together the individual net disposable incomes. Determine the range of spousal support amounts that would be required to leave the lower income recipient spouse with between 40 and 46 percent of the combined INDI.

6.3.1 Calculating individual net disposable income

Basic to this formula is the concept of individual net disposable income, an attempt to isolate a pool of net disposable income available after adjustment for child support obligations.

We start with the Guidelines income of each spouse. In the interests of uniformity and efficiency, we use the same definition of income as that found in the Federal Child Support Guidelines. That definition is a gross income measure (except for some of the Schedule III adjustments, like the deduction of union dues). For the most part, since 1997 courts have used the same measure of income for purposes of both child and spousal support. There is, however, one distinct variation in the calculation of the recipient’s income under this formula, discussed further below, namely the inclusion of government benefits and refundable credits.

Next, we deduct or back out from each spouse’s income their respective contributions to child support.

For the child support payor, that would usually be the table amount, plus any contributions to special or extraordinary expenses, or any other amount fixed under any other provisions of the Federal Child Support Guidelines. Such support payments are automatically deducted from the payor’s income by the current software.

For the child support recipient, we propose the deduction of a notional table amount, plus any contributions by the recipient spouse to s. 7 expenses. At the moment, the deduction of these amounts from the recipient spouse’s income has to be done manually, but the software can be modified to do this in future. In reality, the recipient will likely spend more than these amounts through direct spending for the children in her or his care. But by this means we are making an adjustment, however imperfect, for the recipient’s child support obligation. We could construct a formula without this notional child support number, but any formula would then adjust to the number of children and income levels with less precision and with less transparency about the role of the recipient parent.

Second, income taxes and other deductions must be subtracted from the incomes of both the payor and the recipient to obtain net incomes. As spousal support is transferred from one spouse to another, because of tax effects, the size of the total pool of individual net disposable income actually changes slightly, which complicates these calculations. The current software does these calculations automatically, as differing hypothetical amounts of spousal support are transferred.

Clearly permissible deductions would be for federal and provincial income taxes, as well as employment insurance premiums and Canada Pension Plan contributions. Union dues and professional fees are already deducted from Guidelines income under the adjustments of Schedule III to the Federal Child Support Guidelines. Deductions should be recognized for certain benefits, e.g. medical or dental insurance, group life insurance, and other benefit plans, especially those that provide immediate or contingent benefits to the former spouse or the children of the marriage.

More contentious are deductions for mandatory pension contributions. We have concluded that there should not be an automatic deduction for such pension contributions, but the size of these mandatory deductions may sometimes be used as a factor to justify fixing an amount towards the lower end of the spousal support range.

We reached this conclusion after considerable discussion. Like EI, CPP and other deductions, pension contributions are mandatory deductions, in that the employee has no control over, and no access to, that money. But, unlike other deductions, pension contributions are a form of forced saving that permit the pension member to accumulate an asset. Further, after separation, the spouse receiving support does not usually share in the further pension value being accumulated by post-separation contributions. Finally, there are serious problems of horizontal equity in allowing a deduction for mandatory pension contributions by employees. What about payors with non-contributory pension plans or RRSPs or those without any pension scheme at all? And what about the recipient spouse—would we have to allow a notional or actual deduction for the recipient too, to reflect her or his saving for retirement? In the end, we decided it was fairer and simpler not to allow an automatic deduction for pension contributions.

Third, we do propose to include in each spouse’s income the amounts identified for government benefits and refundable credits. Included are the Child Tax Benefit, the National Child Benefit, the GST credit, the refundable medical credit and various provincial benefit and credit schemes.

Under the Federal Child Support Guidelines these benefits and credits are generally not treated as income. For lower income custodial parents, typically the support recipients, these amounts are significant. As for payors, only low-income payor spouses obtain any of these—basically the GST credit—and most of those low-income spouses will not be paying spousal support. In some circumstances the custodial parent and recipient of these benefits and credits will also be the payor of spousal support.

We did consider backing-out the child portion of these benefits, since the bulk of the benefits and credits are tied to the children in the recipient spouse’s care, e.g. the Child Tax Benefit, part of the GST credit, and the various provincial programs. The logic of doing so would be similar to that applied in respect of the spouses’ child support obligations, i.e. to get at the remaining net disposable income available to the spouses as individuals.

In the end, we decided to include these amounts in income, for three reasons. First, these benefits and credits reduce with the amount of the spousal support transferred to the recipient spouse, especially through the lower and middle-income brackets. Including these benefits and credits in the recipient’s income gives a much clearer picture of the impact of spousal support upon the recipient’s actual net disposable income. Second, some fine lines would have to be drawn between child- and non-child-related portions of these benefits and credits. A precise disentanglement would be complicated and for little practical gain. Third, for lower income recipient spouses, these amounts are sizeable, reaching as high as $7,000 to $8,000 annually for two children. Their removal would produce significantly higher amounts of spousal support, which would cause significant hardship for payor spouses, especially those with lower incomes, unless the formula percentages were adjusted.

6.3.2 The Basic Formula: Dividing Individual Net Disposable Income

Once the individual net disposable income (INDI) of each spouse has been determined, the next step is to add together these individual net disposable incomes. Then we have to iterate (i.e. to estimate hypothetical spousal support repeatedly) in order to determine the amount of spousal support that will leave the lower income recipient spouse with between 40 and 46 percent of the combined pool of individual net disposable income.

For the examples which follow, these calculations have been done by a mix of software and manual calculations. Once software suppliers make programming changes, it will be possible to obtain these numbers more easily. One important technical point should be noted. Where there are section 7 expenses, the calculations are further complicated by the Guidelines requirement that the spouses’ proportionate contributions must be determined after the transfer of spousal support from payor to recipient. To derive the s. 7 contributions, you must know the amount of spousal support, another loop for the software to undertake. Accordingly, to simplify the arithmetic and the exposition, there are no s. 7 expenses in the examples below.

How did we arrive at the percentages for the range, from 40 to 46 percent of the individual net disposable income? This was a critical issue in the construction of this formula. In our earlier Sneak Preview, we had suggested a higher range, from 44 to 50 percent of INDI. We have ultimately opted for a lower range, after much discussion with the Advisory Group, some limited feedback from the Sneak Preview, further reviews of the case law in various provinces, and some more hard thought about the upper and lower bounds for these ranges.

We found that a range of 40 to 46 percent of individual net disposable income typically covered spousal support outcomes in the middle of the very wide range of outcomes now observed in most Canadian provinces. To capture the middle of the range on a national basis means that some areas will find the upper bound (46 percent) a bit low and other areas will consider even the lower bound (40 percent) at the higher end of their local range.

Prior to the Sneak Preview, we had experimented with a range of 40 to 50 percent of INDI. But that produced far too broad a range in absolute dollar terms. One of the objectives of these advisory guidelines is to develop more predictability and consistency in spousal support outcomes and a ten-percentage point range simply failed to do that. Since then, we have generally worked with five or six percentage point ranges.

The lower boundary of this range—40 percent of INDI—does ensure that the recipient spouse will receive not less than 50 percent of the family net disposable income in all cases involving two or more children, and slightly below that in one-child cases.

The upper end of this range—46 percent of INDI—falls short of an equal split, which would leave both spouses in the same individual position. Despite the intellectual attraction of a 50/50 split, there are a number of practical problems that convinced us that it was not appropriate to set the upper limit of the range there. First, very few courts are currently prepared to push spousal support amounts that high. Second, there was a live concern for the access-related expenses of the payor spouse, expenses that are not otherwise reflected in the formula. Most payors will be exercising access and most will be spending directly upon their children during the time they spend with their children. Third, there were concerns for the payor in the situation where the payor has employment-related expenses and the recipient spouse is at home full time and receiving large spousal support.

It may be that these upper and lower limits of the percentage range will have to be adjusted, after experience with the advisory guidelines and after continued tracking of current trends in support outcomes in this category of cases.

We should repeat here a central difference between this formula and the without child support formula: the length of the marriage does not affect the upper and lower percentages in this with child support formula.

We also wish to stress the inter-relationship between the percentage limits and the precise elements of our version of individual net disposable income. If a notional table amount were not removed from the recipient spouse’s income, or if government benefits and refundable credits were excluded, then the formula percentages would have to change. Our objective throughout has been to develop formulas that can capture the bulk of current outcomes, while at the same time demonstrating robustness in adjusting across incomes and child support amounts and custodial situations.

As a result of computer software, lawyers and courts now have available to them net disposable income or monthly cash flow calculations on a family basis: the payor’s net disposable income after deduction of child and spousal support and taxes, and the recipient’s after addition of child and spousal support (and deduction of taxes). How do these more familiar family NDI percentages compare to our range of individual net disposable income divisions? Typically, the 46 percent of INDI at the upper end of our proposed formula generates a family net disposable income for the recipient spouse of 56 to 58 percent where there are two children. At the lower end of the range, a spousal support amount that leaves the recipient spouse with 40 percent of INDI will typically leave that spouse and the children with more than 50 percent of the family net disposable income. For comparison purposes, we have provided family net disposable income proportions in the examples below.

We recognize that Quebec has a different scheme of determining child support, which in turn has implications for fixing spousal support. As the Quebec child support amounts are often lower at high-income levels than those under the Federal Child Support Guidelines, that would leave a slightly larger pool of individual net disposable income available to be divided for spousal support purposes. The application of the advisory guidelines in divorce cases in Quebec is dealt with in more detail in Chapter 9.

6.4 Amounts of Spousal Support: Examples of the Basic Formula

At this point it helps to give a few examples of the ranges of monthly spousal support generated by this basic formula. Afterwards, we will address the factors that might affect what precise amount of support is fixed within that range. Then we will move to the issue of duration.

For illustration purposes, we assume that these parents and children all live in Ontario, as the use of one jurisdiction simplifies the exposition of the formula’s operation. We have included, in Appendix C, a detailed explanation of the calculations required for this formula, using Example 6.1 below. In Appendix D we have provided the ranges of spousal support that the basic formula would generate in each of the other provinces and territories, again using the facts of Example 6.1.

Further, as explained above, there are no section 7 expenses in these examples. If there were s. 7 expenses, then the individual net disposable income available to be divided between the spouses would be smaller and the spousal support ranges would be lower.

Because many are familiar with family net disposable income (or monthly cash flow) calculations from the existing computer software, we have also shown the impact of the spousal support ranges upon the family net disposable incomes of the spouses, as we present and discuss these examples.

Example 6.1

Ted and Alice have separated after 11 years together. Ted works at a local manufacturing plant, earning $80,000 gross per year. Alice has been home with the two children, now aged 8 and 10, who continue to reside with her after separation. After the separation, Alice found work, less than full time, earning $20,000 gross per year. Alice’s mother provides lunch and after-school care for the children, for nothing, when Alice has to work. Ted will pay the table amount for child support, $1,031 per month. Alice’s notional table amount would be $285. There are no s. 7 expenses (if there were, the spousal amounts would be lower).

Under our proposed formula, Ted would pay spousal support in the range of $697 to $1,287 per month.

Using the family net disposable income figures (or the similar monthly cash flow figures) more familiar to current software users, spousal support of $1,287 monthly along with the child support would leave Alice and the children with $3,792 per month and Ted with $2,906 per month, a 56.6/43.4 percentage split of the family’s net disposable income in favour of Alice and the children. At the lower end of the range, with spousal support of $697 per month, the net disposable income of the family would be split 51.6/48.4 in favour of Alice and the children, leaving Ted with $3,283 monthly and Alice and the children with $3,505. (For purposes of exposition, if the intention was to split the family NDI equally, as some judges do, with one half for Alice and the children and one half for Ted, then spousal support would have to be reduced to $512 per month.)

The amount of spousal support is obviously affected by the number of children. If Ted and Alice had only one child, the range would be higher, from $1,048 to $1,593 per month. If the couple had three children, Ted’s ability to pay would be reduced, bringing the range down to $391 to $975 monthly. Four children would lower that range even further, down to a range from zero to $530 per month.

Example 6.2

Bob and Carol have separated after eight years of marriage and two children, now aged 4 and 6, who are both living with Carol. Bob earns $40,000 gross annually at a local building supply company, while Carol has found part-time work, earning $10,000 per year. Carol’s mother lives with Carol and provides care for the children when needed. Bob pays the table amount of $570 per month for the children. Carol’s notional table amount of child support would be $119 per month. There are no s. 7 expenses.

Under our proposed formula, Bob would pay spousal support in the range of zero to $191 per month.

Again, by way of comparison to the more familiar numbers, if Bob were to pay child support of $570 and spousal support of $191 monthly, at the upper end of the range, he would be left with $1,835 per month, while Carol and the two children would have family net disposable income of $2,252 monthly, or 55.1 percent of the family’s net disposable income. At the lower end of the range, where no spousal support would be paid, the share for Carol and the children would be 51.2 percent of the family’s net disposable income.

Example 6.3

Drew and Kate have been married for four years. Drew earns $70,000 gross per year working for a department store. Kate used to work as a clerk in the same store, but she has been home since their first child was born. The children are now 1 and 3, living with Kate. Kate has no income (and hence there is no notional table amount for her). Drew will pay the table amount of $927 per month for the two children.

Under our proposed formula, Drew would pay spousal support to Kate in the range of $1,157 to $1,477 per month.

If Drew were to pay spousal support of $1,477 monthly, he would have $2,312 per month, while Kate and the children would have family net disposable income of $2,897 monthly, or 55.6 percent of the total family NDI. At the lower end of the range, spousal support of $1,157 per month would leave Drew with $2,532 in family NDI, while Kate and the children would have $2,616 monthly, or 50.8 percent of the family’s NDI. (If Kate and the children were to receive 50 percent of the family’s NDI, then spousal support would be lower, $1,107 per month.)

6.5 Fixing an Amount Within the Range

The basic with child support formula produces a range for the amount of spousal support. As we did in Chapter 5, here we canvass briefly some of the factors that might be considered in fixing an amount within that range.

First, compensatory principles would suggest that the more the recipient spouse gave up in the paid labour market, the higher one would go within the range. To give a simple example, two tax lawyers marry fresh out of law school, but one stays home with the children and the other pursues a career within a large law firm. Compensatory logic would dictate that something close to the maximum 46 percent would make sense here, as the payor spouse’s income is a very good proxy measure of where the recipient spouse would have been. Given the presence of dependent children under this formula, almost every case will have a compensatory element and the lower and higher ends of the range reflect that. What moves a case up or down the range is the relative strength or weakness of the compensatory claim.

Second, the age, number and needs of the children will affect placement within the range. A child with special needs will usually demand more time and resources from the care-giving parent, thus reducing that parent’s ability to earn in the paid labour market and pushing spousal support towards the upper end. The same will generally be true for the parent with primary care of an infant or toddler, as contrasted to care of an older child or adolescent. Generally speaking, when ability to pay is in issue, the larger the number of children, the less income is left available to pay spousal support. As income levels rise, spousal support can be higher to reflect the fact that more children generally mean more care-giving and more restrictions upon the custodial parent’s ability to work outside the home.

Third, the needs and ability to pay of the payor spouse will have special importance at the lower end of the income spectrum. For example, at this lower end the amount of any mandatory deduction for pension contributions will likely have to be taken into account in determining ability to pay. Also a concern for lower income payors will be their direct spending on expenses for the children during their time with the children. A lower income payor should be left with sufficient funds to exercise meaningful access to his or her children.

Fourth, the needs and standard of living of the recipient and the children will tend to push spousal support awards towards the higher end of the range. Even when spousal support is at the maximum 46 percent of individual net disposable income, a homemaker recipient and the children will be left with a noticeably lower household standard of living (assuming no new partners or children for either spouse). At lower income levels, need will create pressure to move to the higher end of the range, but that will be balanced by the needs of the payor spouse, as mentioned above. By contrast, if the recipient has remarried or re-partnered, then spousal support could be set towards the lower end of the range. Equally, the recipient may have reduced living costs, which might justify support at the lower end.

Fifth, length of marriage will still be a factor to help determine where within the range spousal support should be set, but only one of a number of factors. All other things being equal, the longer the marriage, the more likely it is that one might move towards the higher end of the range. But all other things are rarely equal, as a short marriage with very young children and a stay-at-home custodial parent may be a far more compelling case for the maximum amount.

Sixth, self-sufficiency incentives might encourage an award at the higher end of the range, where this could mean that a recipient spouse obtains retraining or education, and then remunerative employment and less support in future. Or, as happens under the current case law, a judge might fix an amount at the lower end to encourage the recipient to make greater efforts towards self-sufficiency.

We emphasize that this is not an exhaustive list of factors, just an attempt to identify some of the most prominent factors that might affect the precise amount fixed within the range. For the most part, these are familiar factors in the current discretionary case law.

6.6 Duration under the Basic Formula

In most cases where there are dependent children, the courts order indefinite spousal support, usually subject to review or sometimes just left to variation. Even when the recipient spouse is expected to become self-sufficient in the foreseeable future, courts have not often imposed time limits in initial support orders. Where the recipient spouse is not employed outside the home, or is employed part time, the timing of any review will be tied to the age of the children, or to some period of adjustment after separation, or to the completion of a program of education or training. As the recipient spouse becomes employed or more fully employed, spousal support will eventually be reduced, to top up the recipient’s employment earnings, or support may even be terminated. In other cases, support is reduced or terminated if the recipient spouse remarries or re-partners.

In practice, where there are dependent children, few indefinite orders are truly indefinite. Many intervening events will lead to changes or even termination. Some of these issues are canvassed in Chapter 10, which deals with variation, review, remarriage, second families, etc. By making orders indefinite, the current law simply postpones all of the difficult issues relating to duration.

Under the without child support formula, discussed in Part 5, we have proposed that durational limits be brought back under any advisory guidelines, provided the limits are reasonably generous. The time limits in that formula are keyed to the length of the marriage, i.e. .5 to 1 year of spousal support for each year the spouses have cohabited, subject to the exceptions for indefinite support.

Under the with child support formula, one option was simply to leave duration indefinite in all cases, thereby avoiding all of the difficult issues of duration where there are dependent children. Such an approach would, however, be inconsistent with our durational approach under the without child support formula. It would also be inconsistent with the underlying parental partnership rationale for spousal support. This rationale emphasizes the ongoing responsibilities for child-care after separation and the resulting limitations on the custodial or residential parent’s earning abilities. When those responsibilities cease, there must be some other reason for support to continue, such as the length of the marriage.

What we propose is an approach to duration for marriages with dependent children that maintains the current practices, while introducing the general idea of a maximum duration or outside time limit for the payment of spousal support. Initial orders would continue to be indefinite in form, subject to the usual processes of review or variation. That would not change. What would be different would be the acceptance of generally understood outside time limits on the cumulative duration of spousal support in these cases that would inform the process of review and variation. These outside time limits would combine the factors of length of marriage and length of the remaining child-rearing period, under two different tests for maximum duration. These time limits are generous, with elements of flexibility built in.

For longer marriages, it makes sense that a recipient spouse should get the benefit of the time limits based upon length of marriage that might be obtained under the without child support formula, as these will typically run well beyond the end of any child-rearing period. More difficult is the situation of the custodial or residential parent who has the care of young children after a shorter marriage. Here we have chosen an outside time limit based on the child-rearing period remaining. Thus, we propose two tests for maximum duration under this formula, one for longer marriages and another for shorter marriages.

6.6.1 The longer-marriage test for duration

Our first test for duration appliesin longer marriages and is modelled on the test for duration under the without child support formula: where the length of the marriage exceeds the number of years remaining for the last or youngest child to finish high school, then the maximum duration under the with child support formula will be the length of the marriage, subject to the provisions under the without child support formula for indefinite support after 20 years of marriage.

This first test will govern for most marriages of 10 years or more, i.e. most medium and long marriages where there are still dependent children at home at the time of the initial order. Where the dependent children are older and by implication the marriage has been longer, the indefinite support provisions that apply where the marriage has lasted 20 years will often take effect.

We can use Example 6.1 above to explain this test. Ted and Alice cohabited for 11 years during their marriage and are now in their late thirties or early forties, with two children, aged 8 and 10 at separation. The maximum duration under the without child support formula would be 11 years. That is longer than the 10 years remaining to the end of high school for the youngest child. The initial support order would be indefinite in form, but it would be expected that the maximum duration for spousal support would be 11 years. Reviews and variations in the meantime may have brought support to an end before then, and certainly the amount may have been reduced significantly during this period. But if support is still in pay after 11 years, there would be an expectation, barring exceptional circumstances, that support would be terminated at that point on an application for review or variation.

Note that this test speaks only of maximum duration. We do not propose any minimum duration, or lower end of a range, for marriages with dependent children. We adopt this approach to duration under both the longer-marriage and shorter-marriage tests. In our view, this different approach to duration in marriages involving dependent children more appropriately reflects the past, present and future demands of child-rearing and the impact of these demands upon the recipient spouse’s earning capacities. In the without child support formula, the lower end of the range for duration is fixed at one-half year for each year of marriage. That part of the formula would not be imported here, under our longer-marriage test for duration. Practically, most of these cases with children would likely end up at the longer end of the range anyway. Duration shorter than the maximum is possible under both of our tests, but only through the normal process of review or variation, depending upon the individual income and employment situations of the spouses.

6.6.2 The shorter-marriage test for duration

The second test for duration under this formula, applicable to shorter marriages, will operate where the period of time until the last or youngest child finishes high school is greater than the length of the marriage. These are mostly short or short-to-medium marriages, typically (but not always) under 10 years in length. The current case law is inconsistent and erratic on duration for these marriages, ranging from indefinite orders without conditions, to indefinite orders with short review periods and sometimes stringent review conditions, and even occasionally to time limits. Despite the language of indefinite support, the reality in most cases is that support does not continue for long, as re-employment, retraining, remarriage and other changes often intervene to bring spousal support to an end.

We too have struggled with duration for this category of cases. On the one hand, many of these custodial parents face some of the most serious disadvantages of all spouses, especially mothers with little employment history who have very young children in their care, all of which militates in favour of no time limits or very long time limits. On the other hand, many recipient spouses do have good education and employment backgrounds, are younger, and are emerging from shorter marriages and briefer periods out of the paid labour market, all indicators of quicker recovery of earning capacity. Inevitably, as under the current law, this means that reviews are a critical means of sorting out the individual circumstances of the recipient spouses.

Under this second, shorter-marriage test for duration, where the period of time until the last or youngest child finishes high school is greater than the length of the marriage, any initial order for spousal support would likely be indefinite in form, subject to review, including any conditions stated in the initial order or agreement concerning training, education or employment. The date for review would be tied to the age of the children at the time of the initial order or agreement:

  • where the children are of pre-school age, then no later than the month after the last or youngest child commences full-time school; or
  • where the children are under the age of twelve, then no later than the month after the last or youngest child reaches the age of twelve.

Reviews may be fixed more frequently, or at different intervals, or with more or less stringent conditions, under this approach. The starting premise is that the with child support formula generates reasonably generous amounts of spousal support and the flip side should be a clear obligation upon recipient spouses to work towards self-sufficiency or at least the maximum of their earning capacity in the context of their child-care responsibilities.

The maximum duration for spousal support under this test would be the date when the last or youngest child finishes high school. Relatively few cases will reach this outside time limit and those that do will likely involve reduced amounts of top-up support by that date. Hence, extensions beyond that date should only be granted in exceptional circumstances, e.g. some cases involving special needs children. In effect, the maximum duration here would operate like a terminating review order, to use the language of Bergeron v. Bergeron.[26] As with the longer-marriage test for duration, we do not propose any minimum duration.

6.7 Custodial Variations: Shared and Split Custody

The basic formula is constructed around the typical fact situation, where the higher income spouse pays child and spousal support to the lower income spouse who has the primary care of the children. Here we address custodial variations, such as shared custody or split custody.

6.7.1 Shared custody

Where the spouses have shared custody, the starting point for the calculation of child support under s. 9(a) of the Federal Child Support Guidelines has been the straight set-off of table amounts for the number of children subject to shared custody, based upon current appeal decisions. That amount is then adjusted, usually upwards, but occasionally downwards, based upon s. 9(b) (increased costs of shared custody) and s. 9(c) (other circumstances, including actual spending, assets and debts, etc.).

Under the basic formula, we deduct the child support paid from the payor’s income and then we deduct that child support amount paid plus a notional amount for child support from the recipient’s income, to obtain individual net disposable income. Shared custody requires some changes to this basic formula.

Assume for the moment that the payor is paying only the straight set-off amount of child support in a shared custody case. If we were only to deduct the smaller set-off amount of child support for the payor spouse in a shared custody situation, that would misrepresent and understate the payor parent’s contribution to child support. Shared custody assumes that both parents spend directly upon the child in their shared care. We would propose that the full table amount (plus any s. 7 contributions) be deducted from the payor spouse’s net disposable income. For the recipient, we would deduct the notional table amount (plus any contribution to s. 7 expenses). This would be done in the calculation of INDI, even though the child support paid by the payor and received by the recipient would be the straight set-off amount.

To make matters more difficult, courts often increase the amount of support beyond the straight set-off amount, sometimes to reflect the increased costs of shared custody (or the respective abilities of the parents to incur those increased costs) and sometimes to adjust for the recipient parent’s larger share of actual costs. Occasionally, an amount lower than the set-off will be ordered. The determination of child support in shared custody cases remains uncertain and controversial. The Supreme Court of Canada has heard an appeal from Contino v. Leonelli-Contino[27] and that decision may provide some greater guidance on the interpretation of s. 9.

In the meantime, there remains the question of what the with child support formula should do in a shared custody case where a court orders either more or less than the straight set-off amount. For now, we suggest that no adjustment should be made in either case and that the individual net disposable income for the payor and the recipient be calculated as described above. This method of calculation may have to be changed after the decision in Contino.

If we follow the method of calculation described above, it turns out that the spousal support ranges are basically the same in these shared custody situations as in sole custody situations. Shared custody arrangements do not result in any lowering of spousal support. A typical shared custody example can demonstrate this result.

Example 6.4

Peter and Cynthia have separated after nine years together. Peter works as a reporter at the local television station, earning $65,000 gross per year, while his wife Cynthia works for a local arts organization, earning $39,000 gross per year. First, assume their two children, aged 8 and 7, are in the sole or primary custody of Cynthia. Peter’s table amount of child support would be $879 per month, Cynthia’s $557 per month. Assume no s. 7 expenses. Under our proposed formula, assuming entitlement, which may be contested in this case, Peter would pay spousal support to Cynthia in the range of zero to $302 per month. (At zero spousal support, Cynthia would have 42.7 percent of INDI.)

But what if Peter and Cynthia shared custody, say on a week about, 50/50 basis? First, assume Peter only paid the straight set-off amount of child support, i.e. $879 – $557 = $322. We would still deduct from Peter’s income the full table amount of $879 and we would still reduce Cynthia’s income by her notional table amount of $577, but Cynthia would now be receiving only $322 per month, an amount removed from her income (no longer the full $879 paid in the sole custody setting). The result would be the same range for spousal support as above, zero to $302 per month.

6.7.2 Split custody

In a split custody situation, more significant changes to the basic formula are required. If each parent has one or more children in their primary care or custody, then s. 8 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines requires a set-off of table amounts, with each spouse paying the table amount for the number of children in the other spouse's custody. But this means that each parent will also be considered to support the child or children in their care directly, out of their remaining income. Thus, in the split custody situation, a notional table amount must be deducted from each parent, not just the recipient but the payor as well. Since there is one child in each household, there are no economies of scale and accordingly larger proportions of their incomes are devoted to child support, leaving a smaller pool of INDI to be divided by way of spousal support. Again, as with shared custody, this would be done in the calculation of INDI, even though the child support paid by the payor and received by the recipient would be the set-off amount directed by the s. 8 formula.

Example 6.5

Take the case of Peter and Cynthia again, and assume that each parent has custody of one child, same incomes, same facts. Peter’s one child table amount would be $543 per month, Cynthia’s $337 per month. Under s. 8 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines, these table amounts would be offset, with Peter paying Cynthia $206 per month. In calculating Peter’s individual net disposable income, for spousal support purposes, we would propose to deduct the full one child amount, twice, once for the table amount effectively paid to Cynthia and once for the notional amount spent directly on the child in his care. Similarly, in calculating Cynthia’s INDI, we would make a double deduction of her one-child table amount, once for the amount effectively paid to Peter for the child in his care, plus a notional table amount for the child in Cynthia’s own care. The actual child support paid by Peter to Cynthia would be $206, the one-child set-off amount under s. 8. Using the split custody formula for spousal support, Peter would pay spousal support to Cynthia in the range of zero to $325 per month. (At zero spousal support, Cynthia would have 41.4 percent of INDI.)

6.8 A Hybrid Formula for Spousal Support Paid by the Custodial Parent

The basic formula for marriages with dependent children assumes that the higher income spouse pays both child and spousal support to the recipient parent, who also has sole or primary custody of the children. The spousal support to be paid must then adjust for the payor’s child support payments. The shared and split custody situations may change the math, but both still involve the higher income spouse paying both child and spousal support to the recipient.

A different formula is required where the higher income spouse paying spousal support is also the parent with sole or primary custody of the children. Now spousal support and child support flow in opposite directions. The without child support formula does not apply, however, as it assumes no dependent children. While we could just leave this situation as an exception, with no formulaic solution, it is common enough that we believe we should construct a formula to guide outcomes in this situation.

We could have chosen either of our two formulas as a starting point and then made modifications to accommodate custodial payors. We chose to start from the without child support formula. In this situation the recipient parent does not have the primary care of children and thus more closely resembles the single recipient in the without child support formula. The primary rationale for the payment of spousal support in these cases will be merger over time, rather than parental partnership. That said, a number of lower income recipient spouses in this situation will continue to play an important role in their children’s lives and any formula must be able to adjust in such cases. The other advantage of the without child support formula is ease of calculation, but the formula will have to be modified to back-out child support and to take into account tax implications.

Formula for Spousal Support Paid by Custodial Parent

(1) Reduce the payor spouse’s Guidelines income by the grossed-up notional table amount for child support (plus a gross-up of any contributions to s. 7 expenses).

(2) If the recipient spouse is paying child support, reduce the recipient’s Guidelines income by the grossed-up amount of child support paid (table amount plus any s. 7 contributions).

(3) Determine the adjusted gross income difference between the spouses and then quantum ranges from 1.5 percent to 2 percent for each year of marriage, up to a maximum of 50.

(4) Duration ranges from .5 to 1 year of support for each year of marriage, with the same rules for indefinite support as under the without child support formula.

In reducing gross incomes by grossed-up amounts for child support, this formula does the same thing conceptually as the basic with child support formula—it establishes the spouses’ available incomes after their child support obligations are fulfilled. To gross up the child support will require a calculation of the gross value of the non-taxable child support, using the appropriate marginal tax rate for the payor or recipient spouse.

Example 6.6

Kathleen and Gordon were married for 21 years. They have two children, one a self-supporting university student, and the other a high school student living with Gordon. Gordon is a pharmacist and earns $73,500 gross per year. Kathleen was home with the children and, for years, ran a child care operation at home. Kathleen has done some retraining, but has also has had serious health problems. She has no income at present and cannot pay child support. Assume no s. 7 expenses.

There would be little question of entitlement to spousal support on these facts. First, we would reduce Gordon’s income by the notional table amount of child support, $595 per month, grossed up to $936 per month at his marginal tax rate, or $11,232 on an annual basis. Gordon’s adjusted or reduced income would thus be $62,268. After a 21-year marriage, Kathleen would receive a range of 31.5 to 42 percent of the adjusted gross income difference of $62,268.

Under our proposed formula, Gordon would pay spousal support in the range of $1,635 to $2,179 per month.Given the length of the marriage (21 years), Kathleen’s support would be indefinite, subject to review or variation.

Example 6.7

Matt earns $100,000 gross per year and has custody of two teenage children. Anna earns $30,000 gross per year. The spouses separated after 16 years together. There are no s. 7 expenses.

Assume entitlement to spousal support has been established.

First, Matt’s income is reduced by the table amount for two children, $1,240, grossed-up to $2,192 per month or $26,304 annually. Matt’s reduced income would thus be $73,696. Anna is required to pay child support at the table amount of $446 per month, grossed-up to $572 monthly or $6,864 annually. Anna’s reduced income would be $23,136. After a 16-year marriage, Anna would receive a range of 24 to 32 percent of the adjusted gross income difference of $50,560.

Under our proposed formula, Matt would pay spousal support in a range from $1,011 to $1,348 per month, for a duration of 8 to 16 years.

There is one exception we would propose to this custodial payor formula, highlighted by the Nova Scotia case of Davey v. Davey.[28] Where the recipient spouse and non-custodial parent plays an important role in the child’s care and upbringing after separation, yet the marriage was shorter and the child is younger, the ranges for amount and duration applied here (from the without child support formula) may not allow that spouse to continue to fulfil that parental role. In our view, in such cases, under this parenting exception, it should be possible to exceed the upper limits on both amount and duration for that purpose.

6.9 Restructuring

For the most part, restructuring as described in Chapter 5 under the without child support formula has less relevance for marriages with dependent children. Under the basic formula above, many of the recipient spouses with older dependent children will qualify for indefinite support. Further, the maximum duration under the second, shorter marriage, test for duration will be much more uncertain, given the review process and the softer nature of the maximum duration. It will thus be more difficult in these cases to establish the global or total amount of the formula outcome as is required for restructuring.

But there will be some medium-term marriages that will attract the length-of-marriage time limits under the first, longer-marriage test for duration. For these cases, restructuring can have some meaning. In some cases, a recipient spouse may want an amount of support above the upper end of the range for a shorter period of time, e.g. to pursue a more expensive educational program. Or, in others, a recipient parent may want to receive support for a longer period, in an amount reduced below the lower end of the range, e.g. to bridge a period to the availability of pension and retirement income.

Further, restructuring will have some obvious application in the custodial payor situation described immediately above.

6.10 Exceptions

As explained in Chapter 5, exceptions are recognized grounds for departure from the formula outcomes, our attempt to identify, through a non-exhaustive list, the most common reasons that would warrant departure. Most of the exceptions that apply under the without child support formula also apply here. We will only provide brief comments additional to the general descriptions provided in Chapter 5. We have already discussed the parenting exception to the custodial payor formula above.

6.10.1 Compensatory exception

The scope for a compensatory exception will be eliminated under the with child support formula, given the weight given to compensatory considerations in the construction of this formula and the generous maximum durations available under the two tests for duration.

6.10.2  Illness and disability

This exception operates on duration under the without child support formula, mostly where the marriage is of short-to-medium duration. Under the basic with child support formula, there will be much less scope for this exception. There are two settings where this exception will operate:

  • where restructuring is not sufficient to accommodate the duration concerns raised by illness and disability in cases governed by the longer-marriage test for duration; and
  • where the recipient spouse does not play an important role in the child’s care and upbringing, perhaps on account of illness or disability, and thus the parenting exception would not apply under the custodial payor formula.

6.10.3  Debt payments

Where the payor spouse has a disproportionate responsibility for debt payments, some adjustment may be required under the with child support formula, as explained in Chapter 5.

6.10.4  Prior support obligations

An obligation to pay support for a prior spouse or prior children will require a slightly different adjustment under this formula, which works with net disposable incomes rather than the gross incomes of the without child support formula. Usually this exception will apply to the payor spouse. In calculating the payor spouse’s individual net disposable income, this exception will require that any amounts of support paid to prior spouses or children be deducted, thereby reducing the size of the pool of individual net disposable income between the current spouses and also reducing the payor’s share of that smaller pool. Because we are working with net income under this formula, there is no need to gross up any child support amounts and the software can work out the after-tax value of the gross amount of spousal support.

6.10.5  Interim support

Where there are compelling financial circumstances at the interim stage, an exception can be made, as is explained in more detail in Chapter 8 below.

6.11 The Crossover Between Formulas

There is one last issue to be considered, that of crossover between the formulas. The most frequent crossover situation will be in cases where child support ceases after a medium-to-long marriage, where the children were older or even university-age at the time of the initial order. At this point, either spouse could apply to vary, to bring spousal support under the without child support formula. In most cases, it will be the recipient spouse making the application, to obtain an increase in spousal support under the without child support formula, once child support is no longer payable and the payor’s ability to pay improves as a result. Specific examples of crossover will be considered in Chapter 10, which deals with variation, review and other topics.